A GTA V Formula Can Give Rockstar an Edge Over Other Open World Games and Make its Lead Female Character More Interesting

The main ingredient in pushing the series' storytelling to new heights.

gta v


  • GTA 6 is rumored to feature a dynamic relationship system between Lucia and Jason, shaped by player choice.
  • This system, combined with GTA V's multiple, impactful ending formula, could make Lucia the series' most compelling protagonist.
  • By giving players control over Lucia's arc and her bond with Jason, Rockstar could deliver their most personal and mature story yet.
  • If successful, GTA 6 could set a new standard for interactive storytelling and representation in open-world games.
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When Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto V hit shelves in 2013, it redefined what players could expect from an open-world game with its innovative three-protagonist structure and explosive multiple endings. Players were forced to decide the fates of Michael, Trevor, and Franklin in a series of heart-pounding missions – a narrative twist that set a new benchmark for player choice in open-world games.


It’s this “multiple impactful endings” formula that could give Rockstar an edge in GTA 6, especially when combined with the game’s rumored lead female protagonist, Lucia, and her (potentially) complex relationship with her partner-in-crime, Jason.

The recent trailer hints at a deep, intimate bond between these two criminals, one that could not only be tested but shaped by the player’s actions throughout the game.


A Tale of Trust and Betrayal

A scene from the GTA 6 trailer featuring Jason and Lucia talking to each other about trust.
“Trust?” | Rockstar Games

Lucia and Jason’s relationship is set to be the emotional core of GTA 6. The trailer suggests a partnership built on trust and a shared life of crime, but also hints at the possibility of betrayal lurking in the shadows.

This is where GTA 6 could truly shine. By making the player an active participant in their relationship, Rockstar can create a narrative that feels deeply personal and unique. Will you nurture their bond, or sow seeds of doubt and mistrust? Will you prioritize loyalty, or self-preservation?

These choices could have far-reaching consequences, influencing everything from mission outcomes to the game’s very ending.


Imagine a system where the health of Lucia and Jason’s relationship directly impacts their effectiveness in missions, their willingness to trust each other in critical moments, and ultimately, the paths available to them in the story’s climax.

Raising the Bar for Open-World Storytelling

Image featuring the trio of protagonists from GTA 5, Michael, Franklin, and Trevor.
The now-iconic trio of protagonists. | Rockstar Games

GTA V‘s multiple endings were groundbreaking, but the “choice factor” was largely confined to the final mission. With GTA 6, Rockstar has the opportunity to weave this branching narrative throughout the entire game, with Lucia and Jason’s relationship serving as its emotional center.

Each decision could carry real weight, building towards a climax that feels earned and reflective of the player’s journey. A strained relationship could lead to a bitter betrayal, while a strong bond might see the pair overcoming impossible odds together. The permutations are endlessly intriguing.


Of course, pulling this off is no small feat. It requires a delicate balance of player choice and authored storytelling, something even the most experienced developers can struggle with.

But if any studio is up to the challenge, it’s Rockstar. With GTA V, they showed they could weave player choice into a sprawling open world to great effect. Red Dead Redemption 2, meanwhile, featured a deeply personal story enhanced by organic, player-driven moments.

Promotional artwork of Grand Theft Auto 6 by Rockstar Games.
Lucia and Jason against the vivid backdrop of Vice City. | Rockstar Games

GTA 6 is an opportunity to combine these strengths and push the series’ storytelling to new heights. By making Lucia and Jason’s relationship the emotional core of the game, and giving players the power to shape it, Rockstar could deliver their most mature and nuanced story yet.


Grand Theft Auto VI is set to release in “Fall 2025” for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, with a PC version expected to follow in 2026.


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 49

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!