“A huge part of the character that was just put away”: Gates McFadden’s Beverly Crusher Complain is Absolutely Valid in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Gates McFadden's critique on Beverly Crusher's handling in Star Trek.

Beverly Crusher and Star Trek: The Next Generation


  • Starting with Star Trek: The Next Generation, Gates McFadden took on the role of Beverly Crushed in the Star Trek franchise.
  • The character has been considered one of the least explored figures in the franchise.
  • The actress herself expressed disappointment with her character's treatment, especially regarding one significant aspect.
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Gates McFadden has played the role of Dr. Beverly Crusher in multiple Star Trek projects. However, the actress herself believes that her character’s story actually concluded with the series finale of The Next Generation in 1994.

Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher in Star Trek
Beverly Crusher in the Star Trek franchise | Credit: Paramount+

Since her introduction in the TV series, Crusher’s character has been viewed as one of the less explored figures in the franchise, with makers struggling to explore narratives surrounding the character. The actress has also voiced disappointment over the handling of Crusher, noting how one significant aspect of her character was left unexplored.

Gates McFadden Expressed Disappointment Over Treatment of Beverly Crusher

Introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Gates McFadden’s Beverly Crusher has often been regarded as a well-developed and capable figure within the franchise, seemingly complete without requiring further exploration.

Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher
Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher | Credit: Paramount+

However, one significant aspect of the character that continually went unexplored was her longstanding, unrequited romantic tension with Patrick Stewart’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Reflecting on her character’s handling in the franchise, the actress told Variety, “So much of the history of the character — you didn’t even see it.” She further noted that the makers totally ignored any romantic possibilities between Crusher and Picard.

Jean-Luc Picard could have this brand new love interest every time, and it was as if he and Crusher had nothing between them, or ever did. That was a huge part of the character that was just put away.

Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard
Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard | Credit: Paramount +

While the makers did not further pursue the arcs surrounding her character, Terry Matalas pitched McFadden a plotline surrounding her character, that could have explored her romantic relationship with Picard, which they eventually incorporated in Star Trek: Picard.


Gates McFadden Discussed Beverly Crusher’s Central Role in Star Trek: Picard

Gates McFadden reprised her role alongside Patrick Stewart in the final season of Star Trek: Picard, where her character’s history with Captain Picard was not only acknowledged, but also became a central plot point.

The actress shared that she learned about a new plot surrounding Picard and Crusher. Following the events of Nemesis, they had a romantic relationship, which resulted in a child. However, Beverly Crusher chose to keep this a secret and decided to raise her son, Jack Crusher, alone.

Beverly Crusher and Jack Crusher
Beverly Crusher and Jack Crusher | Credit: Paramount +

Picard eventually learns about his son with Crusher in the series finale. While McFadden was excited about the new plot, she also had apprehensions that the plot might not sit well with her character.


They told me the storyline. And I said, “Hey, terrific story, but my concern is that she’s not seen as ‘That bitch didn’t tell him she was pregnant with his child! How could she do something like that?’

She emphasized that it seemed unlikely for her character, who has been portrayed as an ethical humanist, who had always deeply cared about doing the right thing.

Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Picard are available to stream on Paramount+.


Written by Laxmi Rajput

Articles Published: 2377

Laxmi Rajput is a writer at Fandomwire. She finished her Post Graduation in Broadcast Journalism and worked as a Business News writer for a year. But her interest in entertainment and pop culture compelled her to find a way towards Entertainment Journalism. She has worked across various fields and has 2 years of experience in content writing. She likes reading, music, movies, and traveling. She aspires to become a fiction writer in the future.