“A nice way of saying you lost the console war”: PS5 Fans Have a Major Conspiracy Theory Why Phil Spencer is Letting Doom: The Dark Ages Get a PlayStation Release

PlayStation fans can never trust Microsoft and Phil Spencer.

phil spencer, ps5, doom the dark ages
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/eVRydayVR


  • Xbox has decided to release its upcoming Doom: The Dark Ages on PlayStation 5.
  • Microsoft's Phil Spencer says that Doom is a game everyone deserves to play, and that's the intention behind this move.
  • However, fans believe that Microsoft has other motives.
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After months of rumblings and rumors of its existence previously, id Software finally unveiled their latest project, Doom: The Dark Ages, at the Xbox Games Showcase. The next Doom game’s presence at the event was eagerly awaited, and it seems to have been worth it. Doom is one of the all-time legendary titles, and its influence on the industry since its inception is hard to miss.


One of the major highlights of the reveal was that Doom: The Dark Ages is also coming to Sony’s PlayStation 5 console. This caught many off guard, with players wondering why exactly Microsoft is releasing one of their most-awaited titles on a rival platform. While Microsoft’s Phil Spencer says that “everyone deserves to play,” many fans have theorized Microsoft is up to no good, and there’s something fishy!

Fans Can’t Trust Phil Spencer’s Decision to Bring Doom: The Dark Ages to PlayStation

When asked about the reason for bringing such a massive first-party game to a rival platform, Spencer stated that Doom is an incredible franchise that “everyone deserves to play.” Even id Software Studio Director Marty Stratton expressed a desire to bring the next entry in the franchise to as many people as possible during a meeting, which Spencer says took place a while ago.


Unfortunately, Spencer’s generosity isn’t sitting well among PS fans. Many in the community believe that Microsoft is making a move to generate extra revenue from PS5 players, considering what the company has done in the last couple of months.

Microsoft has been on a rampage, shutting down studios left and right because most of their projects haven’t been successful and profitable enough to justify the billions of dollars the mega-corporation spent acquiring them. Few players believe that this is Microsoft’s way of admitting that they’ve lost console wars and given up all hopes on Xbox’s future.

It’s clever how Spencer and his team are trying to present the game’s release on PlayStation as a consumer-friendly move. In reality, it’s all an attempt to capture the massive audience of PlayStation players, who far exceed the Xbox count. Whatever might be their true intentions, it’s great to see that we’re witnessing the end of console exclusivity. Let’s hope even Sony can follow up and bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox!


When is Doom: The Dark Ages Coming to PlayStation 5?

The announcement of a new Doom game and its release in 2025 marks the first new game in the main series since the series turned 30 years old in 2023. In 1998, Doom debuted for DOS, launching the legendary franchise that focuses on Doom Slayer‘s quests for smashing the demons to keep Earth safe.

Doom: The Dark Ages is all set to release in 2025, with the trailer confirming that the game will launch on Xbox Series S/X, PC, and PS5. Of course, gamers who are already subscribed to Game Pass will be able to enjoy the game on the first day of its release. We’re likely to get an exact release date in the upcoming months as iD Software reveals more about the game.


Written by Dhruv Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 116

Dhruv has been an avid gamer all his life, with an emphasis on multiplayer titles. After switching to PC, he has dabbled in the world of GTA Online ever since its release. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.