After Shutting Down Jodie Comer’s Alone in the Dark Dev, Embracer Group Announces Controversial Direction Involving AI

Embracer group embraces what seems to be another bad idea in the eyes of many.

Jodie Comer and Alone in the Dark


  • Embracer Group is facing the public's ire once more as it adopts a new AI policy package.
  • This new policy was discovered just after the group shuttered Pieces Interactive, the developer behind 2024's Alone in the Dark.
  • The company's consistent tone-deaf decisions as it attempts to recover from its failures over the past two years have turned it into gaming's all-time greatest enemy.
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Gaming’s current whoopee cushion, Embracer Group, continues to struggle and fumble to recover from its recent failures. After laying off nearly 4500 employees, endangering the entire gaming industry, and canceling 80 projects since June 2023 alone, it’s clear why almost nobody holds the company in high regard anymore.


However, the company may yet need to brace itself once more for a storm of hatred, as right after shuttering Pieces Interactive, it is now more aggressively adopting AI into its and its subsidiaries’ workings.

Embracer Group’s Annual Report Suggests a Company-Wide Adoption of AI

After Jodie Comer's Alone in the Dark, many worry about Embracer's upcoming projects, such as Epic Mickey: Rebrushed.
After Jodie Comer’s Alone in the Dark, many worry about Embracer’s upcoming projects, such as Epic Mickey: Rebrushed.

Since its debacle with Savvy Games, Embracer Group has taken the gaming industry down with its downfall, incurring both an incredible debt and the loss of jobs within the industry, marking the start of a trend that continues to grow to this day.


One would think that after all this, the company would play it easy for a will and avoid anything that will bring them back right into the limelight. The situation is quite the opposite, as Embracer puts on the boxing gloves once more, ready to face off against any hate or criticism that may come their way.

In its annual report for the year, Embracer formally announced its company-wide adoption of AI and all the policies surrounding it. The reason for that is simple yet mind-boggling for many: using AI to accomplish the company’s “relevant tasks” will lead to it “being outrun” by its competitors.

Now, AI can undoubtedly ease many processes involved in game development. However, as many have stated across the internet, announcing something of the sort when layoffs within the industry are at an all-time peak, especially when said company is the most significant contributor, is downright disturbing.


Let’s Not Forget That This Is Embrace After Shuttering Alone in the Dark’s Developers

Alone in the Dark's developer was shut down by Embracer right after their first AAA project.
Alone in the Dark‘s developer was shut down by Embracer right after their first AAA project.

Almost as though Embracer wanted to rub salt into the wound, the announcement of its new policy comes right at the heels of the company shuttering Pieces Interactive, the developers behind 2024’s Alone in the Dark, starring Jodie Comer and David Harbour.

Keep in mind that the game was the developer’s first proper foray into the AAA scene. Though it may not have been perfect, the game had a lot of heart and showcased the developer’s evident admiration for what many consider survival horror’s progenitor.

Not only is this a case of Embracer Group not supporting its developers, given how the game had no marketing push either, but it is also a part of the industry’s growing trend in which 7/10 titles continue to fail in turning a profit for its publishers.


At the end of the day, it is a sad situation for all, as Embracer’s future remains shrouded in mystery, and its current trajectory leaves people with only cynicism and hatred. One can only hope that Embracer Group redeems itself and gives back all that it lost to the industry.

What are your thoughts on Embracer introducing AI into the company? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 63

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.