“Are they trolling on purpose?”: Bloodborne Go Haywire After PlayStation Announces Another Development with the IP, and Fans Think It Points to Something Big for Bloodborne 2

Some fans have divine intuition that Bloodborne 2 will come...someday.

bloodborne, playstation


  • Bloodborne is one of the most popular titles from FromSoftware and the PlayStation 4 title became an instant hit at the time of releasing.
  • Fans were waiting for 2024's State of Play to reveal anything regarding the title but that didn't happen, so now fans are expressing their dismay.
  • Some are confident that there will be a new gameplay experience, even if not now and a few others have admitted defeat.
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Bloodborne is a trendy title among PlayStation fans and one of the most successful ones to be developed by FromSoftware. Released in 2015, the game became an instant hit, and fans have been hoping for some development on the IP ever since.


Since the IP is incredibly popular, Sony can expand it in various ways. Still, fans are hoping for the video game company to expand on the experience provided by the game. Unfortunately, all of the recent developments are anything but a sequel or remaster of the game.

Fans Are Tired of Sony Using Bloodborne’s Popularity for Revenue but Not Doing Anything Meaningful With the IP

It seems like fans will even sacrifice their newborn for Bloodborne 2.
It seems like fans will even sacrifice their newborn for Bloodborne 2.

An update on Bloodborne was something that fans were hoping for in 2024’s State of Play. Sadly, nothing related to the game or the IP was announced. There wasn’t a next-gen remaster, a remake, or a sequel. On the other hand, Sony seems to be inducing cash flow using the IP’s popularity and overall aesthetic.


This includes everything from launching an exclusive clothing line, a timepiece, cameos, and a guide for the game, despite it being nine years old in 2024. As expected, fans are baffled and dismayed on social media like Twitter. For example, one fan highlighted everything that Sony has been doing with the IP and ignoring a glaring demand that has been highlighted by fans time and again:

This led to the fan speculating that Sony was deliberately teasing fans with all of these new updates while keeping any meaningful addition to the game or the IP at bay currently.

It is preposterous that a new guide for a nine-year-old game has come out recently, yet there are no official updates for a next-gen remaster or even a 60 fps update. But as always, that isn’t stopping fans from speculating what is next for the IP and daydreaming about a sequel, which can only make up for all the constant waiting.


Fans Aren’t Ready to Give Up on Bloodborne 2 Yet

Fans are either incredibly confident or delusional, there is no in-between.
Fans are either incredibly confident or delusional, there is no in-between.

It isn’t news that Bloodborne fans are always looking for hints, easter eggs, secrets, and nods to the game to base their conspiracy theories supporting that the sequel will be released someday. This includes fans reacting to recent developments for the IP and finding vague hints in the original game.

For example, a fan jokingly posted a conspiracy theory regarding the title on X/Twitter. It was based on an artwork portraying a monster from the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree expansion for Elden Ring.

Some people even trolled FromSoftware using a meme from the original God of War game.


Some fans, however, decided to burst the bubble that the game’s fans were living in. They stated that there would never be a remaster, a remake, a PC port, or a sequel for the game.

They added that it may be tough to accept, but that is what is likely nine years after the release of the first game. It isn’t very unpleasant for fans hoping for genuine development or a new gameplay experience involving the IP.

But what do you think about possibly having a Bloodborne remaster, remake, PC port, or a sequel in the works? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 426

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.