Avowed Director Has Had Enough of Skyrim Comparisons, Instead Picking An Unlikely Choice as the Closest Comparison

Avowed is inspired by Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds, not Skyrim.

avowed, skyrim


  • Avowed's gameplay and structure draw more from The Outer Worlds than from Skyrim.
  • The game features open zones with detailed storytelling instead of a massive open world.
  • Set in the universe of Pillars of Eternity, Avowed promises deep RPG mechanics.
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Avowed, the upcoming first-person RPG from Obsidian Entertainment, has been a hot topic since its announcement at E3 2019. Comparisons to Skyrim were inevitable given its fantasy setting and somewhat similar design and gameplay. 


However, in a recent interview, the game’s director, Carrie Patel, shut down those comparisons and pointed to two other obvious sources of inspiration: Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds.

The Real Inspiration Behind Obsidian’s Avowed isn’t Skyrim

At first glance, Avowed might be comparable to Skyrim, but it's very different.
At first glance, Avowed might be comparable to Skyrim, but it’s very different game.

In an interview with Game Informer, Patel mentioned that while the game shares some visual and thematic elements with Skyrim, its actual structure and gameplay are much closer to the studio’s latest IP.


She emphasized that the game won’t be a vast open world you can traverse freely. Instead, it will feature a series of open zones that unlock as you progress, similar to the design of The Outer Worlds. This means that players will experience a more segmented world, focusing on specific areas with detailed storytelling and quests, rather than one massive, continuous open world.

Patel highlighted that the quest structure and narrative design also align more with The Outer Worlds. The game will feature interconnected areas with storylines that develop over time, offering a mix of main quests and side missions that deepen the player’s engagement with the world and its characters. This approach allows for a more focused, immersive, and rich narrative experience, something Obsidian is known for with their RPGs.


Another significant influence on the game is Pillars of Eternity, especially in terms of its tone and storytelling depth. Patel pointed out that while The Outer Worlds provided a structural framework, Pillars inspired the game’s serious and grounded political story. This is rather obvious, as Avowed takes place in the Pillars universe itself.

Obsidian’s Avowed is a Mix of Both Old and New

The game seems to include all of Obsidian's greatest qualities.
The game seems to include all of Obsidian’s greatest qualities.

The game will incorporate elements of high fantasy and complex character interactions, creating a narrative that is engaging, and will definitely make hardcore RPG fans happy. Fans of Fallout: New Vegas should also look forward to the deeper RPG mechanics. 


The game has a blend of serious moments and lighter, character-driven interactions to balance the heavy themes. This blend of tones aims to make the game feel more dynamic and immersive, avoiding the problems of being overly dark or too light-hearted. Patel assures fans that the game will maintain a unique identity, steering clear of the satirical style and humor of The Outer Worlds.

While Bethesda excels at creating expansive open-world games like The Elder Scrolls, Obsidian’s talent lies in crafting detailed, smaller RPGs with rich narratives and intricate character development. Bethesda lets you go off the main quest and do whatever you want in any order, but Obsidian likes to focus on the main questline, making sure that it affects and ties into most of the side quests, creating a coherent ecosystem that is both fun and rewarding. 

The game is set to launch on Xbox Series X|S, Game Pass, and PC later this year. Patel mentions that while familiarity with Obsidian’s previous titles could enhance the experience, it is not necessary to enjoy it.


Are you looking forward to Avowed? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Suhaib Adeel

Articles Published: 127

Suhaib is a Gaming Content Writer at FandomWire. He's extremely passionate about video games and movies, and loves working in the pop culture space. Some of his favorite games include Fallout: New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored, and Bloodborne.