“Because the majority of people in the world are not gorgeous”: 2 Times Oscar Winner Tom Hanks Felt Not Being Gorgeous Was an Advantage in Hollywood

Tom Hanks' unconventional attractiveness ended up becoming an advantage for him.

tom hanks


  • Even though Tom Hanks is one of the most talented actors in the world, he is not one without flaws.
  • During an interview, he revealed how he approached one of his biggest flaws when he was starting out; his looks.
  • Understanding that he was not conventionally attractive, he gained quite a positive attitude towards it and even used it to his advantage.
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When one thinks of talent in the film industry, Tom Hanks is often the first name to pop up. The actor has had a career full of success that has spanned decades. He has played major and minor roles, love interests and soldiers, broken men, and a light of hope. His versatility and flexibility have earned him a reputation for being about to play whatever the director wants him to.

Saving Private Ryan
Tom Hanks as Private Miller in Saving Private Ryan I Paramount Pictures

Knowing his success, it is hard to think of something that he would not be good at. However, it would seem that Hanks was aware of one very big flaw that he had; one he could do nothing about. During an interview many years ago, he talked about one of his biggest shortcomings as an actor and how he turned it into an asset.

Tom Hanks’ One Disadvantage

Tom Hanks once gave an interview with Oprah Winfrey, where he talked about all the aspects of his professional life. Over the years, he has become an inspiration for many, and his topics of conversation were along similar lines.

Tom Hanks in a scene from Forrest Gump
Tom Hanks in a scene from Forrest Gump I Paramount Picture

The actor specifically talked about how he is not conventionally attractive. He revealed that he quickly learned how to use this aspect of himself as an advantage, knowing that the film industry is full of beautiful faces. He understood that this aspect can get very oversaturated and can make it difficult for one to stand out.

And if there are nine guys auditioning and they’re all gorgeous, I have an advantage, because gorgeous guys are a dime a dozen. But if they need someone else—like a goofy guy with bad hair who is just okay—then that’s me. And finally, the other 2 percent who audition are geniuses that I could never touch.

Tom Hanks in a still from the movie. | Credit: DreamWorks Pictures.
Tom Hanks in a still from Catch Me If You Can | DreamWorks Pictures.

Knowing this, Hanks learned to stand out in other ways, working on other aspects of his personality and performance, and became one of the most talented actors in the industry has ever seen.

Tom Hanks Wanted To Be Realistic

When it comes to cinema, it is often the films that mimic real life the most that end up occupying a special place in the hearts of their viewers. Audiences want to see themselves in the flaws of movie characters. They want to relate to their shortcomings and the things that haunt them.


Although there is a clear appreciation for sci-fi and horror, the character stories and their human aspects are what fans cling to the most.

tom hanks and meryl streep in the post
Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep in The Post I 20th Century Fox

With this in mind, Tom Hanks wanted his audience to see themselves in his eyes because of how normal he looked.

Because the majority of people in the world are not gorgeous. I’ve always known that, gee, I’m going to have to be charming to make this happen because my looks don’t do it.

Additionally, he became charming and analyzed his craft to become more talented, so that casting directors were more likely to hire him. While such a strategy may sound flawed, it is what helped him become the legend that he is today, having two Oscar wins under his belt and many nominations to go with them.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1244

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.