“We hope it’s viewed that way”: Black Ops 6 Aims to Revolutionize Gaming – Directors Hope New Call of Duty Feature Goes More Than Just Franchise-Wide

Treyarch hopes the new improvements in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will inspire other franchises in the future.

Black Ops 6


  • Treyarch and Raven Software are excited for players to try the new omnidirectional movement for this year's Call of Duty.
  • The gaming community has been waiting for something revolutionary for the Call of Duty franchise, and the developers have delivered.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is set to be released later this year across different gaming platforms.
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Black Ops 6 is set to be released later this year, and the combined efforts of Treyarch and Raven Software will usher in a new era for the franchise. The game developers aspire to have the best gameplay animation for players to experiment with and use in competitive matches.


The franchise has been around for the last two decades, and the gaming community is eager to see something revolutionary. The omnidirectional movement system could tilt the franchise’s future and gaming in general in the right direction.

Black Ops 6 Developers Mean to Inspire Other Gaming Studios

This year's Call of Duty installment will take the game industry into the future.
This year’s Call of Duty installment will take the game industry into the future.

The developers can feel the gaming community is uneasy with the new movement system for this year’s Call of Duty and took the time to address it before the launch of Black Ops 6.


The ambitious nature of the omnidirectional movement could pose a challenge for returning players; the developers saw it as an opportunity to spice up the project from a game design perspective and to establish it this early for other developers to take inspiration from, according to a recent interview.

I think if it’s really good, it won’t just become the standard for other Call of Duty games. Hopefully we do something, just like we play other games and go “that’s dope, we want to try that in our game, how can we put our spin on it?” We hope it’s viewed that way as well.

It can be daunting to come up with something new for a franchise that is this old. The gameplay for almost every installment has been relatively the same with a new coat of paint, and the developers made them shinier and sleeker; adding new movements increases the entertainment factor.

Game developers would often play other games to get some inspiration and understand how a certain feature worked and how it could benefit their projects. Great minds think alike, and from a certain point of view, almost every game mechanic was inspired by something that came before, and developers are modernizing them.


Future Call of Duty Titles Could Carry Over This New Movement System

The omnidirectional movement is a game-changer for the Call of Duty franchise.
The omnidirectional movement is a game-changer for the Call of Duty franchise.

An independent game developer flexed his version of the new system, and this is the point being made by the developers. Inspiration can go both ways, and it is essential in the game industry to keep things fresh and interesting.

Adding new movement sets will benefit the competitive players and most likely train with them to get the edge against others. Treyarch is providing the gaming community with new tools to help hone their skills and allow them to be in the best in-game shape possible.

Times are changing, and more techniques and methods are being made in real life. It is time for the game industry to keep up and give the players an immersive experience. The omnidirectional movement is likely only the beginning.


Call of Duty has always had straightforward combat and gunplay, and through this new movement set, it could take the franchise to new heights.

Are you excited about Black Ops 6? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 603

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.