Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Breaks Away From Hated Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Strategy Proving Treyarch Wants to Do CoD Fans Justice 

The sheer number of new maps Black Ops 6 is introducing is absolutely bonkers.

call of duty: black ops 6, modern warfare 3


  • With the recent reveals surrounding Black Ops 6 during the Xbox Games Showcase, excitement for the game is through the roof.
  • One of the more underappreciated but massive changes brought by this game is the lack of reused maps from the older games.
  • Given Activision's history and how they fumbled the bag with Modern Warfare 3, the announcement has been massively appreciated by Call of Duty fans.
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With the latest Xbox Games Showcase, it’s clear that Activision’s objective is to get everything right with Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. After all, it’s the first Call of Duty to reach an even wider audience thanks to Game Pass and the first high-profile ABK game released under Xbox’s leadership.


So, expectations are through the roof right now, and the developers are pulling out all the stops to ensure success. Everything about the game screams innovation and hope, from the mechanics to the different game modes. However, one change remains to be appreciated a little more: a departure from a long-running tradition last continued in 2023’s Modern Warfare 3.

Black Ops 6’s Multiplayer Maps Mark a New Beginning for Call of Duty

Many players are overjoyed at the prospect of playing through fresh, new maps in Black Ops 6
Many players are overjoyed at the prospect of playing through fresh, new maps in Black Ops 6.

In a much-awaited and, frankly, begged-for move, Black Ops 6 will launch with 16 completely new multiplayer maps featuring zero remakes of previous maps. Fans find this one, out of all the many massive changes, impossible to believe, as the series has long been known for bringing back older maps with only touched-up visuals. After 2023’s Modern Warfare 3, people have opted for a more cynical approach, believing this approach to be a sign of the developers being completely unbothered with the multiplayer maps.


Now, one can never be too sure of what shenanigans Activision may be up to. So, as many players have stated already, it is unprecedented for them to refrain from using older games’ assets and pad out the multiplayer. Fans have long been frustrated with the company, but with Black Ops 6, perhaps they may rest easy for now.

Coming back to the maps, the developers have stated that they are set after the campaign’s end, which may have twofold results—pushing more players to try the campaign and creating a seamless transition from story mode to multiplayer. It is a good move, as it will only help improve the game’s immersion into its 1991 post-Cold War setting and is one of the many that Activision and Xbox are making with the game.

The Sheer Scale of Improvements Black Ops 6 Brings Is a Franchise First

After the disappointment of Modern Warfare 3, it's up to Russell Adler and his team to save the day.
After the disappointment of Modern Warfare 3, it’s up to Russell Adler and his team to save the day.

The best bit about Black Ops 6 is that Activision’s commitment to innovating the series doesn’t stop at the MP maps, as the game is shaping up to be a comprehensive upgrade across all the series’ fronts.


The Black Ops 6 Direct has revealed that the campaign will be longer and more set-piece-driven, multiplayer progression will receive a complete overhaul, and Zombies will also receive significant enhancements. To top all that off, the movement has been refined thanks to Omnimovement, and hit registration will also become more precise.

Given the sheer scale of improvements being made, Black Ops 6 is going to be a real standout within the franchise, and if Activision plays its cards right, it could very well be one of the best game releases in the franchise to date.

With that said, what are your thoughts on the latest Black Ops 6 trailer? What aspect are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 59

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.