“The skill gap is going to be insane”: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is Going to Change the Franchise With One Mechanic Players Will Love or Hate, But There’s No Going Back

"The skill gap is going to be insane."

call of duty black ops 6


  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is changing how the operators move with Omnimovement mechanic.
  • This feature lets players sprint in all directions, which has already spawned some concerns and hatred.
  • Players are saying that this will create a skill gap in multiplayer.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is all set to be one of this year’s biggest titles. While the game promises a return to the classic Black Ops experience, there is a revolutionary new feature called Omnimovement, first revealed at the Xbox Games Showcase. 


However, this has already divided the players, as many feel that, despite how much of a game changer this is, it is also a recipe for chaos. Nevertheless, there is no going back and all that is left to do is wait for the official release. 

Black Ops 6’s Omnimovement is a Recipe for Chaos 

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Omnimovement lets you sprint in all directions
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Omnimovement lets you sprint in all directions.

Developers at Treyarch are saying that this title won’t be a faster game because of the new feature, but that the Omnimovement will give players more freedom and control over their Operators. The goal, as Associate Design Director Matt Scronce says, is to make Black Ops Operators feel like the best of the best.


Traditionally, players were limited to sprinting forward, while slower speeds were reserved for all other directions. It was presented at the Xbox Games Showcase that the new game comes with Omnimovement; players will be able to zip side-to-side and diagonally at full speed. The freedom of movement will let players spin 360 degrees at any point in time, basically turning their Black Ops operators into Max Payne. 

The Omnimovement feature goes well beyond sprinting, as it lets players sprint, dive, and slide in any direction. While this sounds good on paper, fans of the franchise know that this will bring chaos to Multiplayer. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Omnimovement has Players Divided 

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Omnimovement and Aim Asist are a promising combo
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Omnimovement and Aim Assist are a promising combo.

Reactions to Omnimovement are a mixed bag. There will be a huge skill gap between players, while some are unsure of aim assist and Omnimovement working together.


One of the players has said that he sees a potential for a higher skill gap, as he expects a clear line between those who manage to master the Omnimovement and those who don’t.

On the other hand, a player has expressed his sarcastic opinion about the entire franchise, saying that it doesn’t require any kind of skill to play the game.


One tweet fired shots at the potential impact of aim assist with Omnimovement involved, as these won’t work well together.


While many already hate the new mechanic, some love it and only have words of praise. One Call of Duty fan said that this is a big advantage for the franchise.

In addition to Omnimovement, the new game also introduces the Intelligent Movement feature, which lets players automate some actions like sprinting, crouching, or going over obstacles.


People at Treyarch ensure that these features are highly customizable and don’t give an unfair advantage. 

Black Ops 6 is changing the franchise. Whether it is for the better or worse is yet to be seen when it releases on October 25.

What are your thoughts on Omnimovement? Will you be spinning around and passing out bullets just like Max Payne? Let us know in the comments. 


Written by Nikola Pajtic

Articles Published: 29

Nikola is an avid gamer and a pop culture buff. When he is not writing, he is either playing Final Fantasy, thinking about what Lovecraft stories can be adapted into film or video game, and watching new Doctor Who episodes.