“If we teach the player to do something, we want to teach them to do it once”: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Dev Learns From Cold War in 1 Change that’ll Benefit You

Excitement builds as Call of Duty Black Ops 6 nears release.

Black Ops 6 and Cold War


  • Black Ops 6 taking lessons from past titles like Cold War, aiming for consistency across multiplayer, Warzone, Zombies, and campaign modes.
  • By unifying development efforts, developers are ensuring that changes benefit all modes, promising a more enjoyable experience for players.
  • Black Ops 6 is trying to create a streamlined approach, making the transitioning easier.
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Call of Duty Black Ops 6 release is very near (October 25th), and the player’s expectations are really high. In the world of video games, developers often take lessons from previous installments and pave their own way in the next.


This is the case for Black Ops 6 as it is taking inspiration from the Cold War. However, the same is the case with different modes of the base game, Warzone, Zombies, and campaign. Now that all the different developers are working in unison, changes made to the base game will enrich the others as well.

Black Ops 6 Learning From the Past Titles and Unifying Development

The upcoming Black Ops 6 is aiming to set a new benchmark by learning from past missteps, particularly from the Cold War
Developers are learning from past missteps and paving a new path for the upcoming title. | Image Credit: Treyarch

The upcoming Black Ops 6 is aiming to set a new benchmark by learning from past missteps, particularly from the Cold War. This approach will help create an experience that will benefit all the players, whether playing Zombie, Warzone, or even completing the campaign.


In the past, Sniper Rifles have seen the most noticeable change when used in Warzone’s battle royale. This small inconsistency in weapon balancing has created confusion among the players, requiring them to adapt when moving between different titles within the franchise.

In a recent interview, Matt Scronce, Associate Design Director, and Yale Miller, Senior Director of Production discussed details about the upcoming game and answered many questions. They even shared their thoughts about the inconsistency in the weapons between different titles. Scronce said:

In Black Ops 6 multiplayer, for example, all of our sniper rifles are one-shot torso up. But we talk across the studios. We’re all very aware of what we’re doing. There’s a goal of consistency, but there’s also a goal of doing what’s right for each experience.

Miller added to Scronce’s points and said, they are unified now and don’t need to port data and then balance them for Warzone. He said:


When Matt’s making tuning changes, the Warzone folks can see that directly. The goal always starts with being unified. We’ve said this a bunch. If we teach the player to do something, we want to teach them to do it once. We don’t want to have a bunch of extra, “It’s like this here, but this there.” That goes across all the modes.

This highlights that the studio is showcasing a change within the development process itself. Before they had to adapt from one Call of Duty title to another, such as from Cold War to Warzone, this took so much development time and also created some inconsistency. With this unified approach, the team behind the upcoming title can collaborate more closely with others.

Treyarch Trying to Improve Gameplay and Player Experience

Black Ops 6 is promising a more unified and consistent experience across the titles. This change will prioritize player enjoyment and will help the game set a new standard in the franchise. 
Treyarch is looking to redefine the franchise with this upcoming title. | Image Credit: Treyarch

Black Ops 6 is promising a more unified and consistent experience across the titles. This shows that developers are learning from past mistakes and taking notes. This change will prioritize player enjoyment and will help the game set a new standard in the franchise.

By creating this type of communication with the other developers, Treyarch is trying to make sure that every action, every shot, and every experience is meaningful and memorable for the players.


In the end, all this information is making players even more excited for the release of Black Ops 6. So let’s hope developers create a game that will create a whole new and exciting experience.

What is your favorite Black Ops title in the franchise? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 157

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.