“You have a 50/50 chance to win or lose”: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 it Isn’t, as XDefiant’s Mark Rubin Puts Fan in Their Place After Another ‘Bad team balancing’ Complaint

Matchmaking doesn't always pair you with your perfect squad.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 and XDefiant


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  • XDefiant Executive Producer claps back at the negative comments on Twitter/X.
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XDefiant has been a part of several debates and heated discussions since its release last month. The latest exchange happened on X, where Ubisoft’s Executive Producer Mark Rubin addressed a fan’s complaint about team balancing in a firm and straightforward manner. 


This happened after a fan complained after losing a match due to bad team balancing in a now-deleted tweet.

The Complaint and the Response Regarding XDefiant

XDefiant has been doing really well since release.
XDefiant has been doing really well since its release.

It all started when a frustrated gamer took to Twitter to vent about what they perceived as “bad team balancing” in a recent match. They highlighted a specific player who joined the game mid-match, arguing that this disrupted the balance and ruined the experience. The tweet quickly gained traction among other players who felt similarly about their in-game experiences.


Mark Rubin, executive producer of the game, wasn’t having any of it. He fired back with a tweet, stating that a player has a 50/50 chance of winning, not 100%. This response stirred up the community even more, although most praised Rubin for his no-nonsense reply.

Team balancing is a hot topic in online multiplayer games, and even more so in fast-paced FPS games. The goal is to create fair and competitive matches by evenly distributing players based on their skill levels. However, achieving perfect balance is easier said than done. Although, comparatively, with the lack of skill-based matchmaking in this game, matches are usually more balanced in this game than in recent Call of Duty titles.


Rubin’s response highlights a broader issue in the gaming community: the entitlement some players feel toward winning. Competitive games are designed to challenge players, not guarantee victories. It’s also worth noting that developers continually work to refine and improve game mechanics, including team balancing, based on player feedback and data. Rubin has been very active and responsive on X regarding these matters.

XDefiant’s Season One Launches on July 2nd

Mark Rubin worked on previous Call of Duty games as part of the Infinity Ward team.
Mark Rubin worked on previous Call of Duty games as part of the Infinity Ward team.

July 2, 2024, is when the first season of the game will start. A new playable faction, the GSK, will be added in the upcoming season. The GSK is based on the Rainbow Six Siege elite operators, another popular Ubisoft property. Expect more such factions, possibly even from Assassin’s Creed, in future seasons.


There will be three new maps released in Season 1, each with a unique setting and unique tactical challenges. In Daytona, players can anticipate an action-packed pursuit through a busy seaside city, and in Clubhouse, they can anticipate a close-quarters combat game inside a mansion. In the third game, Rockefeller, participants are dropped into a chilly city.

In Season 1, another popular game mode, Capture the Flag, also makes its XDefiant debut. In this classic objective-based mode, teams battle against one another to steal the enemy’s flag and return it to their base without getting killed in the process.

The Bomb! mode is also coming sooner than expected, and it’s clear that XDefiant is shaping up to be a game that listens to its players and adapts to their preferences accordingly. Any game’s long-term success depends greatly on this kind of responsiveness, developer input, and integration, particularly in the cutthroat realm of online shooters, where games can die out pretty quickly.


Are you looking forward to Season One of the game? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Suhaib Adeel

Articles Published: 124

Suhaib is a Gaming Content Writer at FandomWire. He's extremely passionate about video games and movies, and loves working in the pop culture space. Some of his favorite games include Fallout: New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored, and Bloodborne.