“Certainly open to people who really get it”: Henry Cavill’s Favorite Blizzard Game He Nearly Lost His Superman Role Over Can Get a Series in Future and it’s the Perfect IP for Him after Warhammer 40K

What Can't Henry Cavill Do At This Point

Henry Cavill and Warhammer 40k


  • Henry Cavill’s passion for gaming is well-documented, and his favorite Blizzard game, World of Warcraft, almost cost him the Superman role.
  • Blizzard, the developer behind WoW, has expressed interest in expanding the Warcraft universe through media such as movies and series.
  • If Blizzard decides to move forward with a new Warcraft project, Henry Cavill is a perfect candidate for a leading role.
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Henry Cavill’s passion for gaming is well-documented, and his favorite Blizzard game, World of Warcraft, almost cost him the Superman role. Cavill famously recounted how he missed Zack Snyder’s call offering him the part because he was engrossed in a WoW dungeon.


This makes him an ideal candidate for any future WoW adaptations, especially considering Blizzard’s openness to exploring new media formats if the right people are involved.

Could We Get Another Warcraft Movie?

Could We Get Another Warcraft Movie?
A still from the 2016 Warcraft movie.

John Hight, the Warcraft franchise director, said in an interview with IGN that while they are open to more Warcraft movies, they believe it is best left to professionals in the film industry. Hight stated,


We make games and I think that games will always be our core, and so Warcraft will be centered around that

The 2016 Warcraft film, directed by Duncan Jones, received mixed reviews but performed exceptionally well overseas, particularly in China. Despite its success, no official sequel has been confirmed. 

However, the idea of future adaptations is very interesting, especially with the rise of successful game-based series like Arcane. If such a project were to materialize, Cavill’s genuine passion and understanding of the game could make him an ideal fit for a leading role.

Henry Cavill is Such a Passionate Gamer That He’d be Perfect For a Warcraft Role

Henry Cavill is yet to break his silence over the current rumors.
Henry Cavill speaking at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con | Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, | Wikimedia Commons

Cavill’s enthusiasm for WoW is well-documented. He has often spoken about how the game and other titles like Skyrim have been a significant part of his life. This genuine passion makes him a perfect fit for a role in a potential WoW series or film, aligning with Blizzard’s desire to work with people who truly “get it” as Hight says:


Certainly open to people who really get it and have a cool idea about how to express Warcraft and if we feel like aesthetically they’re going to be able to hit the bar

His passion for WoW goes to such an extent that it nearly cost him the role of Superman. Cavill admitted in interviews with Conan O’Brien and GQ that he missed Zack Snyder’s call confirming him as Superman because he was engrossed in a World of Warcraft session. 

He recounted the moment, saying, 

I was in an important part of a particular dungeon that I was going through – it’s cool now that I’m Superman – and I looked across at the last moment and saw Zack Snyder’s name on the phone. 

Realizing the importance of the call, Cavill hastily grabbed the phone and called Snyder back, jokingly apologizing,


I’m really sorry, I was saving someone’s life, which I do all the time.

Henry Cavill is Such a Passionate Gamer That He'd be Perfect For a Warcraft Role
A still from the 2016 Warcraft movie.

While a new Warcraft movie or series is not currently in development, the possibility remains open. If a Warcraft adaptation were to materialize, Cavill’s deep connection to the game and his status as a major fan could make him an ideal candidate for a significant role, similar to how his passion for Warhammer 40K made him a perfect fit for that universe.


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 84

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.