“That’s something that you learn week to week”: PlayStation Concord May Actually Be a Game-Changer – This 5v5 Rejects a Shooter Norm (And It Might Be Brilliant)

A game that has more to offer than it seems.



  • Concord might offer much more than players expect.
  • The studio behind the game anticipates a lot of content. Additionally, they encouraged players to give this first-person action experience a chance.
  • The game will also include 5 vs 5 combat with new weekly cinematics that will provide more details about the story.
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After a rather poor reception following the PlayStation State of Play, Concord did not get the reaction it hoped for from players. However, thanks to a recent interview, the developers revealed that this title has much more to offer than it appears. 


Players will receive updates about the story weekly, with incredible cinematics and a much more complex plot that will involve all characters. Firewalk Studios guarantees that the development will be worthwhile, rewarding players for their weekly anticipation of new narratives within the story universe.

Concord Promises to Offer a Lot of Content, According to Its Developers

Concord is promising players that will be a good gaming experience.
Concord is promising players that will be a good gaming experience. Image via Firewalk Studios.

Due to the lack of releases and the few confirmed projects for the upcoming months, Sony’s PlayStation division is not having the best year. Fans did not respond favorably to the last event this company organized, despite the presence of several quite competent games. One of the titles presented was Concord, developed by Firewalk Studios. The trailer for this specific game did not receive positive feedback.


Players claim that the trailer for this game, the studio’s first project, was quite misleading, presenting a detailed cinematic before switching to gameplay that bore no resemblance to what they had previously seen.

"That trailer is a tiny slice," Concord Exclusive Interview

When the gameplay was presented, players were quick to compare it to hundreds of similar hero shooters. After a poor first impression, the developers say the game will be much more than it seems.

With This Game, Playstation Makes a Strong Bet

This new game from PlayStation was not well received by the players.
This new game from PlayStation was not well received by the players. Image via Firewalk Studios.

One of the game’s main features is that it will present weekly cinematics, where the story will expand to better understand the characters. This will have nothing to do with the game itself, as it will be a first-person action game where teams of 5 vs 5 will face off. The studio promises that players will fall in love with these characters as the weeks go by with amazing story development.


In theory, Concord’s strategy could work; as compared to games like Overwatch, people always enjoy excellent lore and stories for the characters. If these weekly cinematics are well-made, the game’s community will likely enjoy these characters and get to know them deeply. However, it is still a challenging sell because it will not be free-to-play. However, the release on PC presents an advantage.

This game will arrive on August 23 on PC and PlayStation 5, making it the second major game that Sony will launch simultaneously on these two platforms. This title will strongly rely on teamwork and players forming a solid group to tackle the various missions offered week after week. For now, players remain quite skeptical about whether this game will truly succeed in terms of sales.

What are your thoughts about this title? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 678

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.