“I would like a Dead Rising system…”: Gears of War: E-Day Fans are Begging The Coalition to Include 1 Weapon From the Trailer

Some fans have got an interesting take on what should be included in the upcoming game.

gears of war e-day


  • One fan took to the Gears of War reddit to suggest what they would like to see added to the upcoming game.
  • The suggestion is certainly not without merit and there were a substantial number of fans in agreement with this suggestion.
  • Despite the franchise not being as popular as in the Xbox 360 period, the announcement of Gears of War: E-Day has seen a colossal, renewed interest.
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The wait for a release date Gears of War: E-Day goes on. However, with the release of the reveal trailer at the 2024 Xbox Summer Showcase, popularity has reignited, with many players returning to the franchise. Details for the game remain vague but we are obviously aware that it is a prequel.


Despite not knowing much about the game, fans of the franchise are eagerly hyping the upcoming game and sharing comments about what they would like to see from the game. At first glance, some people may laugh at one option for an alternative weapon posted on the games’ subreddit.

Gears of War Players Discuss Alternative Weapons.

Marcus Fenix grapples for control against a Locust soldier in Gears of War: E-Day.
One player had an interesting suggestion for the upcoming Gears of War: E-Day. Credit: Xbox Game Studios

When you think of Gears of War and weaponry, you would normally think of the immediate hardware of the Lancer Assault Rifle, Gnasher Shotgun, or the old favorite, Hammer of Dawn. Well, one fan had an interesting suggestion of what they would like to see in the upcoming game.

byu/Salmonfish175 from discussion

Whilst we don’t know what sort of likelihood there will be of this being implemented into the game, the suggestion is certainly not without merit. When a player is without a notable weapon, why not pick up what’s nearest to you to bludgeon an enemy?

Gears of War: E-Day: Just What Microsoft Needs?

Marcus and Dom look on in Gears of War: E-Day.
The upcoming game will see the return of one of the most beloved characters in the franchise. Credit: Xbox Game Studios.

It is well noted that the franchise hasn’t had the same appeal with fans as it did in the Xbox 360 days, but judging by the reaction of people following the 2024 Xbox Summer Showcase, this has just sparked a renewed interest in the much-loved franchise.


Whilst many fans were of the opinion that the next game in the series would be a sixth instalment, (especially given the cliffhanger of the fifth game), there are reasons why having a prequel may be just what the franchise needs.

For many players, the Gears of War franchise holds a special place, and this is no small part of the epic storylines that have accompanied the games. It’s clear that with the current increase in player numbers for previous titles, there is still overwhelming demand for these games, and Microsoft will no doubt reap the reward when the upcoming game finally launches.

What do you think about the latest news for Gears of War? Do you agree with the comments on Reddit about being able to wield everyday items as weapons? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 259

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.