“Don’t give them Halo you d**kheads”: Halo on PlayStation is Not Going Down Well as Xbox Gamers See Their Flagship Franchise Potentially Disappearing

Xbox fans are not happy about Microsoft sharing the Halo franchise with PlayStation.

Halo PS Xbox


  • Recent rumors claim that Halo will be soon available on the PlayStation platform.
  • The gaming community is understandably disappointed about the rumor.
  • Xbox is moving away from the console wars and is unbothered about sharing first-party games.
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Halo has done most of the heavy lifting for Microsoft and its gaming division for Xbox and it appears that the company is interested in sharing the franchise beyond their platform. Rumor has it that the iconic first-party franchise will be remastered and shipped on PlayStation.


The console wars have waged on for many years and the supporters of each platform would often use the strengths of each side such as the hardware and first-party content. The franchise has carried Microsoft for years but it seems like the era of platform exclusivity is nearing the end.

Halo Is Rumored to Be Heading to the PlayStation Platform

The gaming community has mixed feelings about Halo being shipped to a rival platform.
The gaming community has mixed feelings about Halo being shipped to a rival platform.

It is unsurprising to see Microsoft pull this move given the track record of the company sharing many first-party games like Sea of Thieves, Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, and Grounded. Some of these first-party titles even performed better on Sony hardware which makes the situation even more awkward. Microsoft’s weak first-party exclusives make sharing successful franchises on rival platforms questionable, upsetting the gaming community.


The Halo franchise is among the few golden geese that Microsoft has in its belt but the company seems to have no qualms about giving it to the competition.


It was only a matter of time before the major first-party games were ported to a rival platform. Microsoft doesn’t seem to be interested in competing with them anymore and shifted its focus to define next-generation gaming through experimental and more unconventional methods. Even Bethesda Game Studio’s Starfield is not safe from being exclusively locked to Microsoft platforms and the gaming community has nothing to say about this rumor.

The company is aiming to end console exclusivity and allow games to be played on any platform owned by the player, eliminating the need to buy a new one for exclusive titles. However, this move is seen by some as deviating too far from tradition.

Xbox Fans Are Worried for the Future After Giving Away Halo

Microsoft has something massive up its sleeves if it is willing to share Halo.
Microsoft has something massive up its sleeves if it is willing to share Halo.

One can’t help but wonder what is the game plan of Microsoft and what kind of game they are playing. Many loyal fans can’t help but feel disappointed and betrayed if this rumor came to pass and believe years of protecting the brand were thrown out of the window.


It was bound to happen but not many anticipated for the company to share a major first-party franchise this soon. Most of the games that were initially shared were positively reviewed which would encourage the company to do more.

Perhaps Spencer is confident about Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 coming to their subscription service on day one and will piggyback on that strategy moving forward. It is callous for the company to solely rely on Game Pass but it would be unsurprising if it is true.

The franchise has pulled its weight on several occasions and was the mascot for the company for many years and to see it being shared on a rival platform is a massive slap to the fans and its legacy.


What are your thoughts about Halo going beyond Xbox? Let us know in the comments section below!





Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 581

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.