“First thing we got to do…”: Helldivers 2 Devs Playing Rather than Working Makes Much More Sense With Johan Pilestedt’s Remarks about ‘Making the Right Decisions’

It seems Helldivers 2 developers are picking up the controllers to do more than unwind and relax!

helldivers 2


  • Johan Pilestedt, CCO of Arrowhead Game Studios, has revealed that Helldivers 2 developers actively spend time playing the game.
  • This is done to understand the average player's experience and implement more intuitive improvements.
  • Pilestedt also wants to be conscious of the sentiments of the feedback to understand the holistic reception of the game.
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Helldivers 2 has been on a rollercoaster for a while now. They launched to very positive reviews and quickly broke several concurrent player records on Steam. Sadly, the account-linking debacle caused many players to leave the game.


Players no longer need to link their accounts, but the title is still fighting to reclaim the popularity it once enjoyed. The CCO of Arrowhead Game Studios has confirmed the team is working on improvements with a practical understanding of the game’s performance.

Helldivers 2 Developers Go Hands-on to Better Understand the Game

Helldivers 2 developers are not out of touch with their creation.
Helldivers 2 developers are not out of touch with their creation.

Every game requires periodic updates and patches. This is even more common in live-service titles such as Fortnite and Helldivers 2, which require constant maintenance and content updates to retain players. There are a multitude of ways in which developers can gain feedback, but first-hand experience is often the best.


A similar approach is taken by the developers of Arrowhead Game Studios, as confirmed by Johan Pilestedt. This was revealed in response to a question asked when Pilestedt was announcing the onboarding of Shams Jorjani as the new CEO of Arrowhead Game Studio. As the Chief Creative Officer, Pilestedt stated that he is now wholly focused on improving Helldivers 2.

A fan asked about the procedure for receiving and reviewing player feedback. Pilestedt stated that he adopts a two-pronged approach. The first is to have developers actively play the game, as it allows the team to understand the average player’s experience. The second is to understand the root cause behind the feedback to ensure a holistic solution can be formulated.


This approach appears to be quite effective, as it gives developers not only theoretical data but also practical experience on which they can build their improvements. One factor behind the feedback, according to Pilestedt, is that the time to kill an enemy is too long. However, not everyone in the replies agrees with the CCO, and one even states that the game needs more engaging content.

Criticism Has Been Mounting for Helldivers 2

The latest Warbond is not going down well with the community.
The latest Warbond is not going down well with the community.

It was only a short while ago when it looked like Arrowhead’s title could do no wrong. There were some ongoing bugs and issues, but it was more or less smooth sailing. Ever since the account-linking incident, the criticisms for the game have been piling on. The latest is targeted towards their new Helldivers 2 Viper Commandos Warbond, with fans stating the offerings are minimal and don’t look impressive either.


The Warbond is adding one new primary weapon and a new secondary weapon, a decision that is being questioned by the fanbase. Players have remarked how previous Warbonds have offered more content, and this feels like Arrowhead is shortchanging them.

Others have also commented on the bugs and glitches that make the experience less than ideal. Arrowhead is aware of the issues present in the game, as revealed by a community manager, but fixing the major ones will require more time and effort, which could impede the monthly Warbond release schedule, though there have been talks to break this schedule.

Do you think more developers should actively play their games to understand the fixes required? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 310

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.