“I really want…”: Gears of War: E-Day Should Include 1 Mechanic That’d Make Getting Downed the Most Fun Part of Multiplayer

If I can use a T.V as a weapon, then sign me up.

gears of war e-day


  • A fan's humorous suggestion on the Gears of War subreddit inspired ideas for new gameplay mechanics.
  • One popular idea is a button mash duel between two downed players to revive themselves.
  • Players also suggested using temporary environmental weapons for creative combat options.
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Gears of War: E-Day marks a long-awaited return to a widely beloved franchise that’s been with us for almost two decades. The recently released trailer has pumped up fans, and who can blame them?


Amid all the hubbub, there’s been a humorous suggestion on the game’s subreddit that’s sparked an intriguing idea for a new gameplay mechanic that could make getting downed the most fun part of the game.

Gears of War: E-Day Has Suggestions Pouring in by the Minute

A screenshot from the Gears of War: E-Day trailer.
Gears of War: E-Day needs this one ‘weapon.’ | Credit: The Coalition

The spark for this idea came from a playful post on the game’s subreddit. After watching the Gears of War: E-Day trailer, a fan jokingly requested that a TV be included as a weapon in the game.


This isn’t completely random. You might remember, but in the trailer, a member of The Swarm gets smashed by a TV, leading to the tongue-in-cheek suggestion.

TVs should be weapons in the Gears of War E-Day
byu/Salmonfish175 inGearsOfWar

Wielding a television as a weapon might be far-fetched, but it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to defend yourself from The Swarm.

More importantly, it set off a chain of creative and humorous responses from the community.


One comment suggested the concept of a button-mash competition between two downed players. If two players are downed near each other, they could crawl toward one another and have a button-mash duel.

byu/Salmonfish175 from discussion

The winner of this intense face-off could revive themselves. Not only would this make getting downed not as much of a bummer, but it allows you to revive yourself.

A few people found this funny and quite a helpful mechanic to have. One reply compared it to the Gears of War 5 animation where you start struggling as a Swarm member hassles you until a teammate decides to intervene.


Seeing two injured characters frantically mashing buttons in a desperate bid for survival would be quite funny to experience. Would you want to risk the duel or wait for a teammate to help you?

The Creativity of the Community Knows No Bounds

A screenshot of Gears of War: E-Day.
The community really loves this franchise, and it shows. | Credits: The Coalition

Going back to the TV idea, one player agreed but felt that having it as a proper weapon might be too much. Instead, make it a temporary weapon that you can pick up and use to finish your kill.

byu/Salmonfish175 from discussion

A lot of the replies under the post echoed the same sentiment. Having environmental weapons that you can temporarily use to secure your kill would be crazy fun.


Imagine taking a couch and throwing it on a Swarm member to stun them, or using a tree branch to stab them. It would make the combat that much more fluid and dynamic.

Would you want to see environmental weapons in the game? What weapon would you suggest? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 342

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.