“Genuinely embarrassing behaviour”: Notable Persona Leaker Midori Has Been Caught Out Revealing That Their Entire Identity Was a Lie, and Cancel Culture is Gunning for Them

Using a persona to report on Persona.

Persona Game


  • One of the most popular Persona insiders has announced their identity is false after a recent document was release.
  • Gamers are upset over the recent revelation that Midori isn't who they say they are.
  • Gamers look towards the future as some communities fight back to defend Midori and its decisions.
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The gaming industry has been hit with a shocking revelation over the past few hours, as one of the industry’s most well-known gaming insiders under the name of Midori has been revealed to have actually been hiding information from the gaming community for the past few years they have been active.


The gaming insider in question is known by the name Midori on Twitter/X and is mostly known for their information regarding Atlus and Sega, the most prevalent being the Persona series, but sadly, this information isn’t what they have been withholding as gamers are being informed that this popular gaming insider is not who they claim to be.

Midori’s Persona Information May Have Been Reliable, but Its Identity Was a Rather Large Fabrication

A popular Persona insider turns out to be a fake identity after all these months.
A popular Persona insider turns out to be a fake identity after all these months.

Recently, it has been announced that the Twitter/X account under the name of Midori has actually been a secondary account of another user known as MysticDistance and has been lying to the public about their identity.


In the past, ‘Midori’ has taken to Twitter/X to describe themselves as a Japanese woman who has been reporting on information regarding Atlus and Sega games that were in production at the time, but in actual fact, they are a white male from California.

Understandably, there are those who would like to choose their identity; however, this isn’t the case in this situation, as it was a ‘persona’ that was created in what can only be described as a spur-of-the moment decision to create an identity, not with the intention to fool the community but to provide information regarding the titles being worked on by Atlus and Sega.

Unfortunately, the gaming community feels a large amount of betrayal from ‘Midori’ regarding this ‘persona’ as many members of the community, but their trust, faith, and even feelings towards ‘Midori’.


Gamers Around the World Have No Idea How to Take This Mind-Shattering News

Gamers both rally and disperse from Midori's fan-base.
Gamers both rally and disperse from Midori’s fan-base.

It hasn’t been long since the gaming community took wind of the information that Midori isn’t who they say they are, but there are already plenty of people who are commenting on the situation, both in support of Midori and against.

One community member has taken to Twitter/X to defend ‘Midori’ by saying that they see no issue in the crafted ‘persona’ as its only intention was to provide leaked information to the community rather than to mislead and catfish.

There are even still those who are still focused on the ‘persona’ as the main identity and are saying that they feel utterly betrayed, saw a future together, and even pictured a whole life together, but still enjoy the idea of ‘Midori’.


At the time of writing, there is still a split community regarding ‘Midori’ and their ‘persona’ but it is clear that a majority of the community does in fact feel betrayed at the current moment and will likely move away from being a part of said community.

What do you think about ‘Midori’ being a ‘persona’? Do you feel betrayed by this revelation, or are you in support of this gaming insider? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 515

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.