George R.R. Martin’s Next Game of Thrones Spinoff Needs Jenna Ortega Because Only Wednesday Addams is Badass Enough to Play This Warrior Queen

Wednesday Addams and a Rhoynish princess are alike in more ways than one!

George R.R. Martin’s ,Jenna Ortega
Credits: Wikimedia Commons / BartocX


  • HBO has revived one previously scrapped Game of Thrones prequel.
  • 10,000 ships is currently in development under a new writer.
  • Jenna Ortega is probably one of the best choices for playing Princess Nymeria.
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House of the Dragon is right around the corner, and the world of Westeros is calling for you. The Game of Thrones prequel completed a successful premiere season in 2022 and will be returning soon for a second installment. However, George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire universe has a lot more in store…

Jenna Ortega in Wednesday (2022)
Jenna Ortega in Wednesday (2022)| Netflix

Besides House of the Dragon, Martin’s books have churned out a number of Game of Thrones spinoffs, all in various stages of development. And his fans would be really happy to know that a spinoff based on an important part of Westerosi history is rumored to be back in the works as well. The tale of Princess Nymeria of Dorne.

And we know the perfect actor who can portray the Warrior Queen with magnificence.


HBO might sink its claws on Game of Thrones prequel 10,000 Ships

Tyrion Lannister and Drogon
A still from Game of Thrones| Max

The road to spinoffs has been a bumpy one for Game of Thrones. Despite HBO wanting to capitalize on their once GOAT franchise, not every scriptwriter could replicate what George R. R. Martin had done in his books. Hence, a number of ideas were shelved, a few others stuck in development, and after a great struggle, House of the Dragon was greenlit, followed by A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms. 

10,000 Ships was among the first ones, previously being helmed by Brian Helgeland. It was then shelved along with a few others until revived again quite recently under Pulitzer Prize winner Eboni Booth, as informed by George R. R. Martin himself:

She’s an amazingly talented young playwright, and a joy to work with; when not writing and producing her prize-winning plays on- and off-Broadway, she has been kept busy by me and HBO, working on a new pilot for Ten Thousand Ships, a Game of Thrones spinoff about Nymeria and the Rhoynar.

We’re all very excited about this one … though we’re still trying to figure out how we’re going to pay for 10,000 ships, 300 dragons and those giant turtles.

Though the project is still in its early stages, we know the perfect candidate who embodies Princess Nymeria to a tee.

Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert for Ten Thousand Ships by George R.R. Martin

Jenna Ortega is a perfect match for Princess Nymeria

The story of Princess Nymeria is not a lavish one, but one about turning the tide against fate through sheer willpower. Nymeria was a Rhoynish princess who ruled over Ny Sar, a city in Essos, situated at the confluence of Rhoyne and Noyne rivers. During the Second Spice War, her people, the Rhoynars, went to war with the Valyrian freehold, under Prince Garin of Chroyane. Nymeria was the only one who had opposed the war, knowing Valyria was at its peak, teeming with dragons and magic.

Targaryen fleet
Daenerys’ fleet in Game of Thrones| Max

As soon as the news of Garin’s defeat reached Nymeria, she took the remaining folks of her city and made her legendary voyage to Dorne aboard 10,000 ships, the working title of the spinoff. The journey was arduous, she lost a lot of people and ships to the dangers of the sea, the slavers, hunger, and diseases.

After arriving in Dorne, she married Lord Mors Martell of the Sandship, assimilating her people and culture with that of Westeros, the effect of which we could even see in Game of Thrones. Their wedding was celebrated by burning all the ships she and her people had arrived in, showing her commitment to her newfound home.


Nymeria would then go on to lead the army along with her husband to conquer the rest of Dorne. She would even go on to defeat King Yorick V Yronwood, the greatest of Dornish Kings, honoring Mors, who was slain by him in battle.

And there’s only one actress who perfectly fits the bill, who can embody Nymeria not only in appearance but also mannerisms. Wednesday star Jenna Ortega has played a headstrong, wise, cunning, and strong-willed character before, who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals, quite everything that describes Nymeria.

Nymeria has been described as a tall woman of exceptional grace and beauty, with olive skin, dark eyes, and hair. Ortega matches that description very closely, minus the height, which can be overlooked given her massive talent.


Fans do have to wait for some time before anything is confirmed about 10,000 Ships. For now, you can raise your banners for House of the Dragon Season 2.

House of the Dragon Season 2 soars high over Max on 16th June 2024.

Sayantan Choudhary

Written by Sayantan Choudhary

Articles Published: 60

Sayantan is an editor for FandomWire/Animated Times. He has previously worked with reputed websites like Wiki Of Thrones and Collider over the past 4 years, and is deeply passionate about TV shows, films, anime, gaming, and everything pop culture.