“Greatest Tweet in Counter Strike history”: Leonardo DiCaprio Will Not Be Happy After Seeing This Hilarious Tweet Celebrating the Iconic Half-Life Mod’s 25th Anniversary

This is probably one of the best tweets in history.

Leonardo Dicaprio and Half Life Mod


  • Leonardo DiCaprio officially announced his retirement from Counter-Strike after the game turned 25 years old.
  • A popular esports account joked about the anniversary of the Half-Life mod, mentioning the well-known actor.
  • It is known that this actor does not date women over 25 years old.
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Positioning itself as one of the most popular games in the first-person action genre, this mod of Half-Life has achieved immense popularity over the years. A recent tweet, one of the most original jokes in a long time, went viral to commemorate Counter Strike’s 25th anniversary. 


The esports account, that posted the tweet, stated that the Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio would no longer play Counter Strike due to its age, in a clear nod to the well-known viral meme.

Leonardo Dicaprio and Counter Strike: A Viral Post That Quickly Gained Traction

Leonardo DiCaprio is finally saying goodbye to Counter-Strike.
Leonardo DiCaprio is finally saying goodbye to Counter Strike.

It could have been a test by a group of fans of the popular first-person action title. However, Counter-Strike has become much more popular over the years. An official sequel is still one of the most-played games worldwide. This game also has a significant presence in eSports, with several important leagues. After establishing itself as a unique game, this IP, which has nothing to do with the Gordon Freeman saga, is celebrating its anniversary.


This meme caused a social media explosion, particularly on X (formerly Twitter), where it first appeared. A well-known page that shares content about esports celebrated the 25th anniversary of Valve’s game by referencing a popular actor.

This post joked about how Leonardo DiCaprio would no longer play this game due to its age, referring to the fact that the actor has long been known to date only women under 25 years old.

Counter Strike and a Post Went Incredibly Viral

The Valve's title is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
The Valve’s title is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Beyond being an incredibly well-known actor and an Oscar winner, DiCaprio is also known for being an avid environmental activist, among many other things.


This post on X is gaining over 4 million interactions, a significant number for this social network. On its own, this popular Valve title continues to have many followers and is one of the games with the most concurrent players on Steam. For some reason, this game has had a significant impact in Eastern Europe and other nearby countries.

The second part of Counter Strike was an updated, free version of the original game, which has been free for many years. Unfortunately, this game is also well-known for having a rather toxic community and a significant cheating problem. However, its esports championships are among the most popular in the world, with many professional teams showcasing amazing talent with spectacular events.

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Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 646

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.