“Classic part of the game”: GTA 6 Fans Worry as They’ve Not Seen 1 Iconic Part of the Grand Theft Auto Franchise Yet, While Others Hope It’s Cut

The game's essence could take a hit if the feature goes away.



  • GTA 6 is the point for conversation for a lot of fans hyped about the title.
  • But a fan thinks that the game shouldn't become too realistic and eliminate iconic elements.
  • On the contrary, some fans seem to differ.
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The hype around GTA 6 is maddening, and that’s because the game is part of a series that has always been responsible for a lot of innovation in its genre. Moreover, many titles have also been a benchmark for the entire video game industry.


The first trailer for the game was released six months ago, and there is little to no confirmation regarding the upcoming title’s offerings. Fans have been sharing wishlists for features they’d like in the game. Simultaneously, they agree that the game cannot do away with one feature.

Fans Say That GTA 6 Cannot Exclude AmmuNation Regardless of How Realistic It Is

Will the GTA 6 forego some of its realism to retain the iconic gun shop?
Will GTA 6 forego some of its realism to retain the iconic gun shop?

The GTA franchise is undoubtedly one of the most iconic open-world video game franchises ever. It is known for its problematic and controversial themes and subtle satiric elements. One such inclusion was AmmuNation, a chain of gunships that has been a part of many games in the franchise since GTA 3.


That is what led to one fan asking on the game’s subreddit if the game could ditch the iconic weapon store entirely due to its more realistic approach, which wasn’t all that prominent in previous titles:

Will buying guns be a little more illegal?
byu/Sea_Hovercraft_3851 inGTA6

Fans shared their thoughts and expressed their opinions on the post. Many people favored the inclusion of gun shops and stated they should be a part of the game, just like previous games in the franchise. But they also suggested some improvements that wouldn’t compromise realism:

byu/Sea_Hovercraft_3851 from discussion

It is also important to note that GTA 4 had a way to procure weapons from underground dealers illegally and didn’t have the iconic gun shop. Despite that, it’s widely hailed as one of the most acclaimed entries of the franchise,


Why Removing AmmuNation Would Be Unpleasant but Will Seem Coherent With GTA 6’s Realism

Ammunation has been an indispensable part of games in the series released before GTA 6.
AmmuNation has been an indispensable part of games in the series released before GTA 6.

Historically, AmmuNation has been the only place GTA players could obtain weapons by purchasing them and not going to shady arms dealers. The problem with the upcoming game is that many claims, reports, and rumors have come out stating that the game will take realism to the next level.

Naturally, this will also reflect on the ability to procure arms in the game. Many fans might complain that removing the gun shop will make for a bland method to purchase weaponry in the title. Also, some fans think that a minor character in GTA 4 that many fans may remember might make an appearance as the owner of a gun shop:

That would make it all the more unforgivable to remove the concept of AmmuNation. But the game’s trailer confirmed that a shop called ‘Pawn & Gun‘ will appear in the game:


It isn’t known if the shop will replace AmmuNation or if it will ever be up and running. However, removing the iconic gun shop from the game will raise some eyebrows.

What do you think of the gun shop possibly being omitted from the game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 428

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.