“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in my 11 years”: GTA Online Keeps Surprising Us All These Years Later with Fans Bringing Up the New and Small Details They Notice

A dynamic world that's still evolving?

gta online


  • A player has discovered a new interaction in GTA Online's world.
  • This event hasn't been witnessed by many people before.
  • This could be a hint at what we can expect from GTA 6.
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It’s been more than a decade since GTA Online became a live-service title that introduced players to Los Santos in a different, more “MMO” light. Even after all these years, it looks like players are finding new things happening in the city.


When griefers aren’t bombarding players’ experience in the game, some moments present themselves as the perfect picture of Rockstar Games’ open-world design.

Years Later, GTA Online’s Los Santos Is Still Brimming With Life

GTA Online Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid characters.
The ever-evolving world of GTA Online never ceases to surprise players. Image Credit: Rockstar Games.

Recently, a player shared their experience of the game with fellow Redditors. From the looks of it, it seems that user baks_exe came across an event in the game that hasn’t been noticed by players before.


The video shows NPCs in front of a building where there has been a fire-related incident. Whether it’s arson or coincidental, authorities seem to have shown up. Firefighters are taking a report, and the player moves around carefully taking in this unexpected event.

This is odd to see. In all these years, you might think that players might have memorized each and every random event that takes place in this virtual city. But this Reddit post is proof that the reality is quite different.

Another important detail in the video lies in its first-person perspective. Many players miss out on the joys of playing the game in the first person, and GTA Online can be full of activities that inspire that kind of immersion.


A Hint at the Next Grand Theft Auto’s Open-World

GTA 6 trailer buildings and trees.
The next big open world by Rockstar is likely going to be dynamic with regular updates. Image Credit: Rockstar Games.

As we approach the arrival of GTA 6, fans are still waiting to see a new trailer or any information regarding the game. Lately, GTA Online has been dropping hints and callbacks to older games, as well as seemingly testing new things to see how players respond.

Even with multiple heists, jobs, businesses, and game modes, GTA Online always has scope for further expansion and Rockstar continues to deliver. The video is a small example of a recently introduced interaction made by the studio.

The Reddit video may just be an indication that Rockstar Games’ constant efforts that go into keep the world alive are an ongoing philosophy. We’re likely going to see this game design decision in GTA 6 too.


As leakers have suggested in the past, the virtual world in the next GTA can have maps that keep adding new events and witness natural shifts in the landscape. Not only is this an awe-inspiring addition, but it also keeps things interesting for players in the long term.

What are your thoughts about GTA Online’s events and current state? Do you think the game still surprises you? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 546

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.