Helldivers 2’s Biggest Issue Isn’t Weapon Performance or Stability Issues, It’s How a Helldiver Stands Up

It is quite undemocratic, to say the least.

helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 players are frustrated by how slow Helldivers stand up after ragdolling and how the game prioritizes standing over using stims, often leading to avoidable deaths.
  • The over-the-top ragdoll physics can lead to hilarious moments in co-op, but also many cheap-feeling deaths in intense battles.
  • Some adjustments to the physics, standing animations, and allowing stims while diving could help reduce the frustration without losing the humor.
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Arrowhead Game Studios’ chaotically fun co-op squad-based shooter, Helldivers 2, is one of the best games you can play with friends right now. But amidst the frantic co-op action, one issue has been frustrating many players more than any weapon balancing or bug – the way a Helldiver gets back up on their feet after being ragdolled, often leading to avoidable deaths.


The issue has sparked a heated debate within the Helldivers community, with many players arguing that the slow and steady rise from prone to standing position is not only unrealistic but also a major hindrance in the path of Managed Democracy.

A Barrier to Managed Democracy in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 is really a ragdoll simulator in disguise.
Helldivers 2 is really a ragdoll simulator in disguise.

A recent rant on the Helldivers subreddit sums up this problem perfectly, and the post itself is quite the rollercoaster:

Why does the game prioritize standing up over using a stim?
byu/Deal_No inHelldivers

The post highlights how the slow standing-up animation often leads to frustrating deaths that feel unavoidable in Helldivers 2. After being ragdolled by an explosion or charging enemy, Helldivers are left vulnerable on the ground. Mashing the button to use a stim to quickly recover some health seems like the obvious choice.

However, the game prioritizes the standing up animation over using the Stim, leaving the player open to follow-up attacks. By the time the Helldiver finally rises to their feet, they’re often one hit away from death again. It’s an annoying cycle that saps the fun out of the otherwise entertaining co-op chaos.

Obviously, other players also chimed in, sharing their own frustrations in the comments:

byu/Deal_No from discussion

One suggestion in particular really makes you think:

byu/Deal_No from discussion

Helldivers 2 already allows you to input Stratagem codes while diving to call-in support, so haven’t the developers at Arrowhead Game Studios enabled using Stims in the same way? It could prevent many frustrating deaths.

Helldivers 2’s Ragdoll Physics: A Double-Edged Sword

It is fun to see your pals bounce about in Heldivers 2, no doubt.
It is fun to see your pals bounce about in Heldivers 2, no doubt.

While the standing-up and Stim issues are major pain points, Helldivers 2‘s over-the-top ragdoll physics, in general, has been a hot topic. Getting sent flying by a charging bug or explosion can result in some absolutely hilarious moments, especially when playing co-op with friends.


Seeing your fellow Helldivers bounce around like bowling pins after a Bile Titan slams through never gets old. The exaggerated flailing and shrieks from your character as you tumble off ledges are comedy gold.

However, in the heat of intense battles against the unrelenting Tyranid hordes or armies of Automatons, it can quickly transition from being amusing to aggravating. Too often the physics lead to deaths that feel cheap and unavoidable.

You’ll be fighting for your life, only to suddenly get yeeted across the map by an unseen enemy, ragdolling helplessly into more danger. Or a hail of friendly fire will send you pinballing around, leaving you disoriented and doomed.


As hilarious as the ragdoll can be, many players are finding themselves wishing for more control, or at least consistency, rather than feeling as if dice roll determines their fate whenever they’re hit. Adjustments to deceleration, as well as reducing the frequency and distance of launches, could help strike a better balance.

At the end of the day, Helldivers 2‘s physics, as wonky as they may be, are part of the game’s charm and humor. But when trying to clutch a mission, the laughs can quickly turn to groans and the fun into rage.

What do you think – are the ragdoll antics and slow standing more entertaining or frustrating? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 51

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!