“Are we finally getting bigger bugs to spread managed democracy to?”: Helldivers 2 is Teasing the Potential Return of Helldivers 1’s Biggest and Most Terrifying Enemy In Latest Mission – Have You Heard Them Yet?

Watch out for giant worms.

helldivers 2, helldivers 1


  • Helldivers 2 is hinting at a new enemy that might join the frenzy very soon.
  • From what has been shown, it appears that the feared Hive Lords from Helldivers 1 might crawl into the sequel very soon.
  • Players can find skeletons, molts, and holes scattered across the map that foreshadow the terror that is to come.
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As if Helldivers 2 wasn’t crawling with enough bugs already, an even bigger and more menacing foe might be burrowing its way onto the frantic battlefield. Along with the new Nuke Nursery mission, Arrowhead is teasing an enemy Helldivers 1 players still have nightmares about.


Towering rib cages, huge molts, inexplicable tremors, and eerie sounds coming from massive boreholes—all these foreshadow the arrival of a harrowing beast, and players are equally excited and terrified.

Helldivers 2 is Teasing Something Big, Literally

The monstrosities those giant skeletons belong to might soon unleash their wrath in Helldivers 2.
The monstrosities those giant skeletons belong to might soon unleash their wrath in Helldivers 2.

@Helldiversmedia posted a snippet from the new Helldivers 2 Nuke Nursery mission on X, showing a large borehole emitting spine-chilling sounds from underneath the surface.


Fans who have played Helldivers 1 responded with their theories on what these eerie sounds might be. It seems the technologically advanced Illuminate alien faction might not be the only threat set to return. Many believe the Hive Lords, gargantuan sandworm-like creatures from the first game, might be coming.

User @OrkinCarl expressed their excitement, hoping the game, which is already sprawling with Bile Titans, will “finally” get even “bigger bugs.”


Other users, including @WizardCerulean, seem more apprehensive at the idea of giant worms coming out to fight. Meanwhile, user @TheNobelRaven pointed out that Hive Lords had been teased “for a while.”


Many players are excited. User @Cpantoja0311 expressed how they had been waiting for this enemy faction “for so long.”

Most of the players who are familiar with the first game seem to agree on what enemy they will soon face off against.


These hints and theories didn’t come out of the blue, as various details in the game have already been foreshadowing the arrival of these sandworm-like monsters for a while.

Something is Crawling Underneath the Surface

Hive Lords were among the most ferocious enemies in Helldivers 1 and they might soon burrow their way into the sequel.
Hive Lords were among the most ferocious enemies in Helldivers 1, and they might soon burrow their way into the sequel.

Hive Lords are giant creatures resembling the Sandworms in Dune that burrow tunnels underneath the surface. In the first game, they were huge, terrifying, and notoriously challenging to kill. Several details in Helldivers 2 have hinted at the reappearance of these crawling monstrosities over the last few months.


Reddit users had previously pointed out that molts from these enemies had started to appear. They also mentioned how the inexplicable tremors players had been experiencing could have been caused by those giant worms burrowing underground.

For those new among us – these “statues” appear to be molts from a Terminid enemy from Hell Divers 1 known as a Hive Lord: a massive sandworm-like creature. The tremors we’ve been experiencing could be the hints that this bad boy is coming soon..
byu/Tnel1027 inHelldivers

Along with the molts and tremors, players also found the skyscraper-high rib cages of a deceased creature sticking out of the ground, which could belong to one of those horrifying sandworms.


Everybody knows that Arrowhead’s former CEO, Johan Pilestedt, loves massive bosses and mind-numbingly difficult experiences. So, the return of one of the most terrifying enemies from the first game sounds very likely. However, it hasn’t been officially confirmed yet.

Would you like to face off against the giant Hive Lords in Helldivers 2? Have you found the boreholes and heard their creepy sounds yet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


Written by Lisa Kamlot

Articles Published: 78

Lisa is a passionate video game content writer with an insatiable appetite for all things gaming and an avid movie enthusiast. When she’s not diving into virtual worlds, she’s riding waves as a dedicated surfer. She’s always on a quest for adventure – both in the digital realm and IRL.