“Find someone that loves you like Hideo Kojima loves George Miller”: The Metal Gear Solid Creator Cannot Stop Sharing His Love For Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Hideo Kojima's enthusiastic praise for Furiosa highlights a shared vision with George Miller.

hideo kojima, the metal gear, furiosa
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Nikita


  • Kojima praises George Miller's Mad Max universe on Twitter.
  • Both creators explore dystopian themes and complex characters.
  • Their mutual respect hints at potential future collaborations.
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Hideo Kojima, the innovative creator responsible for renowned video game series such as Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding, is recognized for his unconventional narrative style and limitless imagination.


Recently, his appreciation for director George Miller, the genius behind the Mad Max universe, peaked with the debut of Miller’s most recent movie, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.

Hideo Kojima’s Growing Admiration for George Miller’s Cinematic Mastery

Game Designer Hideo Kojima is an avid film buff.
Game Designer Hideo Kojima is an avid film buff.

Kojima started publicly showing affection for Miller even before Furiosa. After the Mad Max reboot with Tom Hardy came out in 2015, Kojima expressed his appreciation for the film on Twitter, describing it as “a masterpiece that will remain in cinema history.


This initial praise led to a friendly interaction between the two directors on social media, with Miller acknowledging Kojima’s positive comments.

In 2023, Kojima’s excitement for Miller’s work reached new heights with the announcement of Furiosa. Throughout the film’s promotional cycle, Kojima frequently expressed his enthusiasm on Twitter, culminating in a now-legendary tweet after he had the opportunity to see it early.


In this tweet, Kojima declared Furiosa to be “a movie that easily surpasses ‘MAD’ and even goes beyond ‘FURY,’ it’s at its ‘MAX’ (masterpiece)!” He went on to call Miller “my God, and the SAGA that he tells is my Bible.

Fans and people in the industry are finding humor and genuine warmth in Kojima’s unreserved admiration for Miller’s work, which has made this level of devotion very popular. The Metal Gear Solid creator’s deep connection with Miller’s work raises the question: what is it about Miller’s work that resonates so profoundly with him?


Shared Creative Vision and Mutual Admiration Between Kojima and Miller

Solid Snake is one of gaming's most iconic characters.
Solid Snake is one of gaming’s most iconic characters.

Although Kojima and Miller work in different mediums, they both share similar creative sensibilities. They are renowned for creating complex narratives set in dystopian or post-apocalyptic worlds. Their stories frequently delve into themes of human resilience, societal collapse, and the quest for meaning in a chaotic environment.

Additionally, both directors have a talent for crafting memorable characters. Kojima’s renowned protagonists, such as Solid Snake and Big Boss, are intricate individuals, frequently burdened by their histories and struggling with ethical uncertainty.

In the same vein, Miller’s Mad Max world showcases imperfect main characters like Max Rockatansky and Imperator Furiosa, who strive for survival and personal salvation in a chaotic society.


Both Kojima and Miller emphasize character development and unconventional heroes, recognizing the importance of a compelling protagonist in drawing audiences into their intricate worlds. Both filmmakers recognize the importance of an engaging main character in captivating viewers and immersing them in their intricately designed environments.

Kojima’s boundless excitement for Furiosa goes beyond simple enjoyment. It demonstrates the shared artistic vision he perceives in Miller’s work. Their mutual regard and esteem are a distinctive and heartening instance of creative synergy across different forms of media.

One can only ponder if this mutual adoration of dystopian worlds and unforgettable characters might instigate future partnerships between these two innovative storytellers.


Furthermore, it will be intriguing to observe if elements of Miller’s work make their way into Kojima’s upcoming projects or if perhaps Miller himself might draw inspiration from Kojima’s distinct storytelling style while developing his next cinematic endeavor. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Chad Glapion

Articles Published: 23

Chad Glapion is an avid gamer since the mid-'90s, with a passion for narrative-focused and grand strategy games. He's also a pet dog and reptile enthusiast and a writer of speculative fiction. Personal favorite games include the original Mass Effect trilogy & the Crusader Kings series.