Hidetaka Miyazaki Worked His Magic with a Bloodborne Remaster Right In Front of Our Eyes with Tiny Nod in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree

The Elden Ring DLC will add more fuel to the Bloodborne remake fire.

bloodborne, elden ring’s shadow of the erdtree


  • Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC features new weapon classes, which will bring new combat options.
  • One of these is the Beast Claws, which offer rapid, short-range attacks and can cause staggers.
  • A weapon with the same name is present in Bloodborne, and the attack patterns of Elden Ring’s version are reminiscent of Father Gascoigne’s transformed state.
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The Elden Ring DLC is at the tip of every FromSoftware fan’s tongue right now, and with good reason. The trailers have sparked a wave of intrigue, and the recent gameplay revealed by various content creators has only added to the intensity of that swell.


Fans are eagerly awaiting the new drop for FromSoftware’s latest title, but people have not forgotten one of the studio’s best works to date. Bloodborne fans are clamoring for a sequel, remake, or remaster, with no response from Sony. However, Hidetaka Miyazaki has not forgotten his 2015 release and even included a reference in Shadow of the Erdtree!

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Allows Players to Exhibit Their Bestial Characteristics

Elden Ring to get a (blood)tinge of beastly combat.
Elden Ring to get a (blood)tinge of beastly combat.

One thing everyone expects from DLCs is new weapons and ways to engage in combat. Well, the DLC brings that in droves, adding eight new weapons and combat types. We have seen glimpses of some of these across various trailers, but the recent series of videos regarding the new mechanics in the game showcased one, which is a very clear Bloodborne reference.


The clip in question is when we see the player fighting on what appears to be a rooftop against a bird able to spew Ghostflame. The player first engages the bird with a throwing ax before bringing out a new melee weapon, the Beast Claws. These are fist weapons, similar to the Caestus in reach, but with a very different moveset.

Where the Caestus just amplified the power of a punch, the Beast Claws allow for very rapid strikes from different angles. The player can land multiple hits in seconds and even cause the enemy to stagger. It will be fun to engage with this weapon, but it’s also nice to see Hidetaka Miyazaki referencing a beloved title.

Bloodborne features a similar weapon with the same name. The Beast Claw is a Hunter weapon that can be dual-wielded when used in its trick form. It allows for rapid attacks and is buffed by the Beasthood stat. The Beast Claws in the DLC are much faster, but the flurry of attacks resembles that of Father Gascoigne in his transformed state.


Shadow of the Erdtree Weapons to Bring New Gameplay Strategies

New forms of combat are coming to the Land of Shadow.
New forms of combat are coming to the Land of Shadow.

Hidetaka Miyazaki has confirmed the DLC is the largest expansion from FromSoftware. With a map reaching the size of the area of Limgrave, the DLC promises new vistas to enjoy and new threats to overcome on the journey to find Miquella. Thankfully, we have new weapons and comrades for this journey.

Along with a set of new weapons, we will be introduced to new characters. Many of them are followers of Miquella, searching for their demigod in the Land of Shadow. Through them, we will understand the history of the world and what role Miquella is fulfilling in this new realm.

The story will teach us more about Queen Marika and the events that occurred before the events of the Lands Between. Messmer, the antagonist of the DLC, has some close ties to the Queen, with several theories pointing to Messmer being related to Miquella and Malenia.


Have you spotted any other references in the promotional content? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 295

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.