“I actually bribe them if you watch this movie..”: 3x Oscar Winning Director Steven Spielberg Had an Annoying Yet Life Changing Advice For Filmmakers

Steven Spielberg's transformative piece of advice for aspiring filmmakers.

Steven Spielberg
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Enstropia and Gage


  • Three times Oscar winner Steven Spielberg stands as one of the industry's most celebrated filmmakers.
  • Growing up immersed in Hollywood classics, he passionately advocates for aspiring filmmakers to familiarize themselves with iconic classics.
  • And he also offered the same advice to the aspiring filmmakers, suggesting them to watch and study Hollywood classics.
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Renowned for his timeless contributions to cinema with classics like ET, Jaws, and Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg stands as one of the industry’s most celebrated filmmakers. With a career spanning decades, his influence has inspired countless aspiring filmmakers striving for similar greatness.

Steven Spielberg
Hollywood director Steven Spielberg (image credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons)

Spielberg has also been open to sharing his advice, one of which includes watching old movies. Though it may seem intimidating to some, the Oscar-winning director insists it’s an essential step every aspiring filmmaker should take.

Steven Spielberg’s Sage Advice for Aspiring Filmmakers

Growing up immersed in Hollywood classics like Firelight, Steven Speilberg found profound inspiration in these timeless films. And he passionately advocates for aspiring filmmakers to familiarize themselves with iconic classics, as he emphasized during a press conference.

Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg at Berlinale 2023 | Credit: Elena Ternovaja via Wikimedia Commons

I continue to learn not just from the films I’ve seen today, I continue to learn from the films that were made 78 years ago,” he said. The filmmaker shared insights into breaking into the industry,  highlighting the importance of writing compelling material and seizing opportunities, through independent filmmaking.

And I say, well it’s easy to get a job if you write, because if they buy your script you can insist on directing it, or you can just take your device and just go out and make a little movie. Anybody can do that today.

Filmmaker Steven Spielberg | Credit: Georges Biard via Wikimedia Commons
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg | Credit: Georges Biard via Wikimedia Commons

He also shared one of the most significant pieces of advice. “You need to look at the old films,” he said while acknowledging the challenges of engaging modern audiences with older cinema. “It’s not easy to get us all to look back,” he said.

The Jaws director, however, remains steadfast in his belief in the importance of respecting and learning from the cinematic heritage. He acknowledged that his love for movies stems from his desire to pay respect to the films that have shaped the medium over the years.


Steven Spielberg Bribed His Kids to Watch Classic Cinema

During the conversation, Steven Spielberg also admitted that it is not easy for the new generation to sit through classic movies. The filmmaker shared that he faced the same struggle with his children and had to bribe them to watch a classic western like Red River.

I used to have to pay my kids 10 dollars to watch a black-and-white movie. I actually bribe them if you watch this movie… and $10 is a lot of money when they’re 12 years old. If you watch Red River with me, I’ll give you $10.  

Red River
Red River | Credit: United Artists Corporation

He shared that he would insist his kids watch classics like Red River with him, but sometimes it backfired as his kids quickly outsmarted him. “I had a couple of my kids watch the movie, and 20 minutes later give me my 10 dollars back and leave the room,” he said.

Despite the lack of interest and appreciation in classic movies, Spielberg expressed his respect towards the legendary filmmakers who paved the way for his own career. He also shared that he often looks back and studies such films, as he believes that all filmmakers build on the work of those who came before.


Red River is available to stream on Prime Video.


Written by Laxmi Rajput

Articles Published: 2367

Laxmi Rajput is a writer at Fandomwire. She finished her Post Graduation in Broadcast Journalism and worked as a Business News writer for a year. But her interest in entertainment and pop culture compelled her to find a way towards Entertainment Journalism. She has worked across various fields and has 2 years of experience in content writing. She likes reading, music, movies, and traveling. She aspires to become a fiction writer in the future.