“I suddenly realized it was a story about the death of a father”: Hans Zimmer’s ‘Dark’ Theme for The Lion King Was a Tribute to His Late Father He Lost When He Was Only 6

Hans Zimmer's score for The Lion King was born out of his retrospective feelings about his late father.

Hans Zimmer and The Lion King
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Electroguv~commonswiki


  • Hans Zimmer provided the musical score for the 1994 classic The Lion King.
  • He accepted the project thinking about his daughter but his immersion while creating the film's score lead him to think about his late father.
  • Zimmer claimed that the score of The Lion King is a requiem to his father.
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Hans Zimmer is now among the pantheon of great music composers in films of the 21st Century alongside masters like John Williams, Thomas Newman, Danny Elfman, A.R Rahman, and many others. His musical contribution to films like Dune, Gladiator, Interstellar, The Last Samurai, etc elevated the proceedings of the films and added a certain mood to them.

hans zimmer the jonathan ross show
Hans Zimmer in The Jonathan Ross Show / YouTube

In addition to live-action films, he also scored many successful animated films such as Kung Fu Panda, The Prince of Egypt, and The Lion King. The famed composer always puts a part of himself in the music he creates. However, with The Lion King, his late father became his muse and the tragedy involving him inspired the darker musical score in the film.

The Lion King‘s Somber and Dark Musical Score Was Inspired By Hans Zimmer’s Personal Life

The Lion King is among the best of Disney's animated films of the 90s | Walt Disney Feature Animation
The Lion King is among the best of Disney’s animated films of the 90s | Walt Disney Feature Animation

Hans Zimmer has created some of the most memorable scores for many great films that fans love. Time from Inception, and Stay from Interstellar remain ingrained into the minds of people. The master composter has also scored for some Disney animated films including the 1994 classic The Lion King.


In the process of figuring out the music for the film, Zimmer would go back to his tragic past to get inspiration. Zimmer had accepted to work on The Lion King for her daughter Zoe after scoring many mature projects with established directors. He wanted to do something for kids and one that they could watch, but he faced the challenge of deciding what kind of music he should put in the film.

In an interview with GQ, Zimmer revealed that the project which started as something he wanted to do for his daughter became a very personal one that would bring him back to his early years with his father. His father had passed away when he was six years old and he had not properly processed the feelings of loss and grief he had at the time. Reflecting on that tragedy as an adult translated itself through the film’s dark score. Zimmer said,

To get back to your question, there hasn’t been a single project that I’ve done that isn’t personal. The best example of how it becomes that, sometimes, is The Lion King, which I started out doing for my, at the time, six-year-old daughter, Zoe Zimmer.

So I thought, “I’ll do a cartoon” and sat in front of it and got stuck [thinking], ‘How am I going to deal with these fuzzy animals?’ when I suddenly realized it was a story about the death of a father. So suddenly, [in] this cartoon, which I had taken on as a lark, the music is pretty dark. There are happy songs, but the score is basically a requiem to my father.

Zimmer connected with The Lion King‘s story of Simba’s father passing away and the grief of dealing with that loss. Thus, it was the perfect project for him to reflect on his own personal loss and through it, produced a great soundtrack for the film. The Lion King is now considered a classic and a photorealistic adaptation was done by Jon Favreau in 2019.


Hans Zimmer Has No Plans Of Retiring Anytime Soon

Hans Zimmer's score for Dune: Part 2 is immersive and masterful | Warner Bros Pictures
Hans Zimmer’s score for Dune: Part Two is immersive and masterful | Warner Bros Pictures

Hans Zimmer has a successful career in Hollywood spanning over 40 years and has provided the musical score for many hit films. The genius composer will be 67 this year and is still going strong with his compositions, showing no sign of weariness in his work.

When asked in an interview about whether he has thought about retiring, Zimmer made it clear that retirement is far off from happening. He stated that inventing and creating music is a playful endeavor and he won’t be letting it go for the time being. Zimmer told Indiewire,

Are you kidding me? I’ve played all my life. Why would I stop playing? Why would I stop living a playful life? Why would I stop trying to, you know, invent things? Why would I?…somehow this dichotomy of wanting to do something new, it’s the truth.

92-year-old John Williams is still making music so Zimmer has a lot of years ahead of him. His most recent work was for the 2024 hit Dune: Part Two where the score itself plays a big part of the narrative. He serves as the music composer for the upcoming Lion King prequel Mufasa: The Lion King directed by Barry Jenkins and Ron Howard’s Eden.


Fans can watch 1994’s The Lion King on Disney+.


Written by Rahul Thokchom

Articles Published: 1058

Rahul Thokchom is a content writer at Fandomwire who is passionate about covering the world of pop culture and entertainment. He has a Masters Degree in English that contributes to the richness and creativity in his works.