“I think seeing the… in a live adaptation would be amazing”: The Live-Action Gears of War Film HAS To Include a Forgotten Iconic Foe to Cement the Horror

A film based on this franchise could easily feature this classic and terrifying enemy.

gears of war


  • Fans on Reddit took advantage of the growing popularity of Gears of War and came up with ideas for a possible movie adaptation of this saga.
  • This social media post explores the possibility of including a well-known game enemy in this hypothetical film.
  • This enemy is known for creating several of the most terrifying moments in the saga, thanks to the lack of light.
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Following the success of the first trailer for Gears of War: E-Day, fans of the saga remain excited about this game and can’t stop talking about it. In a recent Reddit post, a user suggested what would make a memorable scene to add to a possible movie based on these characters. 


The user described an enemy that doesn’t have much visibility in the game but features several of the most terrifying moments in the franchise. Additionally, the discussion led to the mention of another outstanding villain who could reemerge in this potential adaptation.

A Gears of War Film and a Scene That Would Be Terrifying but Very Well Executed

A Gears of War film could benefit of the apparition of the Kryll.
A Gears of War film could benefit of the apparition of the Kryll.

Thanks to fans’ positive reception of the first official trailer for Gears of War: E-Day, the popularity of this franchise is at an all-time high. This Microsoft-exclusive saga will return to its roots, showing us how the Locust first emerged before humans, destroying everything in their path. Followers of these games are very excited to try this new title, which will once again feature Marcus Fenix as the protagonist.


In a recent Reddit post, a fan proposed what an ideal movie based on this franchise would be like and recalled a popular enemy from the game that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. This user outlined an entire scene where the Kryll, creatures that attack in large swarms, would be the protagonists.

byu/Datsun_01 from discussion

The key to this particular situation is that these creatures can only attack at night, as sunlight kills them. This could create a fantastic horror scene reminiscent of the early games.


Another Great Villain Could Also Be Featured in This Hypothetical Film

General RAAM will be a great villain for a movie.
General RAAM will be a great villain for a movie.

The user proceeded to describe the scene and its potential inclusion in the film, emphasizing the terror that many of these enemies would generate as they emerged from the ground. The mere idea of people panicking at the sight of the Locust rising from the ground is perfect for a horror movie. The discussion continued, with several users responding to this proposal and adding more details, all with very original ideas for this hypothetical Gears of War film.

Another major suggestion made by a user was to include the well-known villain of the saga, General RAAM, to also appear in this possible movie. One of this imposing character’s skills is the ability to literally control the Kryll to attack any enemy he chooses. Let’s remember that RAAM appears in the first game of the saga with a memorable debut as the main villain, creating numerous iconic moments for this title.

Regarding a real project, Netflix is reportedly working on the production of the long-awaited film based on this franchise. Originally scheduled for release last year, the streaming giant has not provided any further updates, leaving fans eagerly awaiting an update. Dave Bautista was one of the factors they wanted to incorporate into the project. Nevertheless, the growing popularity of video game-based films in recent years still holds hope for this movie’s release.


What are your thoughts on this possible scene? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 641

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.