“It might be better than any Disney film I’ve ever seen”: Steven Spielberg’s Kind Words for Hayao Miyazaki Fell on Deaf Ears as Animation Legend Bashed His Movie in Public Without Remorse

Hayao Miyazaki is definitely not a fan of Steven Spielberg as the Jurrasic Park director is of him.

steven spielberg, hayao miyazaki
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/大臣官房人事課,, Romain DUBOIS


  • Steven Spielberg has always been a fan of Hayao Miyazaki and thinks highly of him.
  • He had nothing but praise for the filmmaker but Miyazaki doesn't feel the same way.
  • He criticized Spielberg for films like Indiana Jones that distorted the image of cinema.
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Martin KraftNever meet your heroes. That is a saying that goes a long way and perhaps Steven Spielberg found the same to be true. There can often be moments when a person would like someone, perhaps even look up to them, but the same feelings aren’t reciprocated back to them. While teenagers would experience this a lot in their friendships, the same could be a parallel for people and their inspirations.

Steven Spielberg
Hollywood director Steven Spielberg | Image Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

While in most cases things would be smooth for a director as renowned as Spielberg, his reputation with Hayao Miyazaki is worse for wear. Both of them are legendary filmmakers, one mastering the live-action while the other the animated. For Spielberg, things are very different, seeing Miyazaki as an inspiration. For the former though, that is far from the case.

Steven Spielberg has High Praise for Hayao Miyazaki

Steven Spielberg is regarded as one of the most respected filmmakers in Hollywood with multiple accolades and awards to back the claim. There has never been a doubt about his skills and that only makes his praise for Hayao Miyazaki even better. Talent recognizes talent, the saying goes a long way and Miyazaki’s films caught his attention for this exact purpose.

Howl’s Moving Castle | Credit: Studio Ghibli

I especially, you know, admire the whole world of Miyazaki, and his taste and his storytelling abilities. His Spirited Away is one of the greatest animated films ever made, might be better than any Disney film I’ve ever seen. He was a real influence.

Spielberg talked about meeting Miyazaki and how his movies were always different than what animation was to the rest of the world. In an interview (via Comicbook), he spoke up about the impact that Studio Ghibli movies have and how he stands as a big pillar of influence.

Comparing the films to that of Disney’s vast range of animated projects, Spielberg was very clear with the fact that Studio Ghibli was far superior in every way possible. Spirited Away in particular caught his attention and rightfully so.

Hayao Miyazaki and the Oriental Image

Orientalism is a book by Edward Said that proposed the idea of the Western eye. According to the book, Western perceptions divided the world into Orients and Occidents with Orients being the Eastern and Middle Eastern people through Western eyes. What Hayao Miyazaki presses on during an interview via Kotaku is in relation to the same.

Hayao Miyazaki's The Boy and The Heron
Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and The Heron | Credit: Studio Ghibli

Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing. You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective. You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.

According to him, the representation is foul and inexcusable. On top of that, what the movies show lacks any sense of self-awareness and deep research of the places they visit.

He expressed his disdain about how Japanese people would never indulge in media that lacks any sense of proper representation. Miyazaki was strict about the fact that such movies only distorted already blurred images instead of making it better.

Adya Godboley

Written by Adya Godboley

Articles Published: 1557

An avid writer fluent in everything Marvel, Adya Godboley is an Assistant Anime Content Lead for FandomWire. She has rich experience in critically analyzing all that is said in between the lines. Hopelessly obsessed with Greek Mythology, she is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in English. Adya has written over 1400 articles on various topics expressing her passion and love for all things entertainment, from superheroes to anime and the occasional gacha games.