“It would platform a universe of ‘Star Trek’ shows”: Original Plans for Star Trek: Discovery Would’ve Saved the Show from 1 Severe Criticism it’s Cursed With for All Eternity

Original plans for Star Trek: Discovery might have fixed its biggest fan complaint.

Star Trek Discovery


  • Initially, Bryan Fuller imagined the new show as an anthology series, delving into different stories across Star Trek's timeline.
  • This format would have been fantastic for several reasons. By exploring various timelines, it could have introduced exciting new narratives.
  • Also, the anthology style would have revealed the full scope of the Star Trek universe, featuring different eras, ships, and crews.
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Star Trek: Discovery, a television series within the Star Trek franchise, is roughly set a decade before the events of the original Star Trek series, and follows the adventures of the USS Discovery and its crew, including Michael Burnham, portrayed by Sonequa Martin-Green.

Star Trek
Sonequa in Star Trek: Discovery (image credit: CBS)

Premiering in 2017, Star Trek: Discovery quickly built a loyal fanbase. Now, with its fifth and final season’s debut recently in May, the show continued to explore classic Star Trek themes.

How The Original Vision for Star Trek: Discovery Could Have Save The Show

Initially, Bryan Fuller envisioned the new show as an anthology series, exploring various stories across different time periods within the Star Trek universe. The idea was also teased in initial teasers of different ships and crews, sparking fan curiosity.


However, CBS ultimately decided on a single serialized concept, with Star Trek: Discovery set just before the original series. Fuller departed the project early on, leaving fans to speculate about his original vision. In a 2017 Entertainment Weekly interview, Fuller explained,

The original pitch was to do for science-fiction what American Horror Story had done for horror. It would platform a universe of Star Trek shows

Star Trek: Discovery
A still from Star Trek: Discovery (image credit: CBS)

Now this format for the show would have been golden for a number of reasons. By traveling diverse timelines, the concept would have opened doors to fresh narratives. Each season would have been a distinct journey, offering unexplored plots, characters, and settings, appealing to both new and old fans.

Furthermore, the anthology format would have showcased the entirety of the Star Trek universe, spanning various eras, starships, and crews. Each installment could have dived into a unique and new experience while staying true to the core principles of the saga.


Why Is Star Trek: Discovery Criticized By The Fans?

Star Trek: Discovery has faced criticism for its various flaws. Besides diverting from the anthology format which is the number one point of contention among fans, one prominent issue was the departure from established canon and continuity within the Star Trek universe. Despite being set in the same timeline as the original series, the show took liberties with technology, aesthetics, and lore, which alienated some longtime fans.

Another point was the perceived lack of focus on exploration, the core theme of the Star Trek saga. Instead, the series often prioritized action and conflict, deviating from the storytelling that characterized the franchise.

Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek: Discovery | CBS

Additionally, some viewers criticized the characterization and development of the main protagonist, Michael Burnham, finding his arc and decisions inconsistent. Furthermore, the pacing and structure of the show received criticism, with some episodes feeling rushed or disjointed.


Overall, Star Trek: Discovery received a mixed reception from fans, and with five seasons under its belt, stands at 84% on Rotten Tomatoes.

All seasons of Star Trek: Discovery is now streaming on Prime Video.


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 874

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.