“It’s a franchise everyone deserves to play”: Phil Spencer’s Explanation for Doom: The Dark Ages Launching on PS5 Could Be Music to the Ears of PlayStation Fans Waiting for Halo and Starfield

Could this statement mean other exclusive games will become multiplatform?

Doom the Dark Ages


  • Phil Spencer explained why Doom The Dark Ages will also be available on PS5.
  • Everyone should play these types of games, according to the head of Xbox, which could spark debate about whether other exclusive titles like Starfield might make their way to other platforms.
  • Many players are eagerly waiting to see if the brand will again release more exclusives on non-proprietary devices.
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Following an incredible presentation at the Xbox Games Showcase, the company’s head, Phil Spencer, had a one-on-one interview with IGN where he clarified many questions fans had. 


One of the significant revelations from the interview was that Doom The Dark Ages would also be coming to the PS5, with Spencer stating ‘that it’s a game everyone should play’. This opens up speculation that other Microsoft franchises, such as Starfield, could potentially reach more platforms if the company so wishes. The next few months will be crucial for this.

Doom The Dark Ages May Be the First of Many Exclusives to Arrive on PS5

Doom The Dark Ages is going to be released on PS5.
Doom The Dark Ages is going to be released on PS5.

The first highlight of the Xbox event was the announcement of Doom The Dark Ages, a prequel to Bethesda’s popular first-person shooter series. This game is slated for release sometime in 2025 and will take the famous Slayer to the origins of the war against demons with an arsenal never before seen in any other title in the franchise. Fans couldn’t be more excited about this revelation.


The confirmation of this game’s PS5 release followed shortly after the presentation, despite Microsoft’s recent acquisition of Bethesda. In an interview with IGN, Phil Spencer discussed this news, stating that everyone should play this new game in the popular FPS saga. This has generated much speculation within the industry that, in the future, Xbox will be launching more exclusives on other platforms.

Games Like Halo or Starfield Could Also Come to Sony’s Console

Titles like Halo or Starfield could also be released on PS5 in the future.
Titles like Halo or Starfield could also be released on PS5 in the future.

This year, Microsoft’s strategy regarding gaming has changed several times. After numerous rumors, Microsoft confirmed the release of four previously exclusive Xbox games on other platforms.

Although these titles were not of great significance to the company compared to others, many fans and players began speculating that other exclusives might also make their way to other platforms to maximize sales. Cue Xbox fans worried and PlayStation fans excited, about the prospect of Starfield, Halo and more moving across.


Constant rumors about franchises like Halo or Starfield coming to other platforms began to surface after this confirmation. With the announcement that Doom The Dark Ages will also be on the PS5, this could imply that in the future. Games belonging to Bethesda might also arrive at Sony’s console to improve sales and avoid losing money in the process, especially with big-budget projects.

One of Microsoft’s recent moves was to add Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 to Game Pass on launch day. This will be a pivotal moment for the company to see if such aggressive and pro-consumer strategies will improve the numbers for this great service that Xbox offers. The results in the coming months will determine the necessity of releasing these exclusives on other platforms. The company’s last two years have not met its projected sales goals.

What are your thoughts on releasing exclusives on other platforms? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 628

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.