“It’s a tricky balance”: Todd Howard Must Give Elder Scrolls 6 a Fallout Feature That’s Basically Cheating

Let's hope Todd Howard does justice to The Elder Scrolls 6 by bringing this useful feature from Fallout series.

elder scrolls 6, fallout


  • Fallout 4 is one of Bethesda's best-selling games ever built.
  • The game has improved many revolutionary features, such as the Vault- Tech Assisted Targeting System (VATS).
  • If Bethesda wants The Elder Scrolls 6 to break records, they must have such features in the game.
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It’s hard to believe, but it’s been over six years since Bethesda first announced The Elder Scrolls 6, the highly anticipated sequel to Skyrim. Crafting a sequel to one of the best-selling video game titles of all time is clearly no easy task, and Bethesda doesn’t look to be in a rush.

The Elder Scrolls 6 needs to learn from Fallout 4 | Steam

So far, Bethesda has been incredibly tight-lipped about The Elder Scrolls 6‘s development so far. This has caused many players to wonder whether some of the useful features of Bethesda’s popular games, such as the Fallout series, will carry over to the next installment of their favorite RPG franchise. After all, there are plenty of noteworthy features in Fallout 4 that could allow the next Elder Scrolls game to reach new heights.

Bethesda Needs to Introduce This One Fallout 4 Feature in the Next Elder Scrolls Game

Vault-Tech Assisted Targeting System in Fallout 4 | Steam

First released way back in 2015, Fallout 4 has been regarded as one of the best entries in the series so far. The game brings players to the year 2287, where they must look for their missing child after waking inside a deadly Vault. While it’s quite simpler in its roleplaying elements than its predecessors, Fallout 4 has managed to earn praise for its detailed storytelling, world-building, game mechanics, and the game-changing Vault- Tech Assisted Targeting System (VATS).


VATS is one of the most useful features that was introduced back in Fallout 3. This feature allows players to get into a special combat mode. While you’re using the feature, the time within the game slows down, allowing you to annihilate your enemy effortlessly!

The game will also show you percentage chances of hitting certain parts of your enemy’s body, and you can spend your AP (Action Points) to take down the target. It’s a borderline cheat, allowing you to blitz anyone who dares to stand in front of you.

Due to Fallout 4‘s expanded weapon arsenal and a brand-new combat system, Bethesda had to carefully integrate VATS without completely breaking the game. In an interview with The Guardian, Fallout 4‘s game director, Todd Howard, touched upon the various aspects of the game’s development and their perfect approach to balancing VATS.


It’s a tricky balance. We knew it would have to feel as good in your hands as the best first-person shooters. But we also need to get into the efficacy of damage and rates of fire, things like that. We can layer the role playing on top of that, but aiming and shooting should feel really great. Then we have VATS, and there’s where you really get to dig in. I think it appeases both sides pretty well.

It’s mind-boggling how, despite the feature’s popularity and usefulness, we’re yet to see an Elder Scrolls game! If Bethesda really wants to outshine popular modern RPGs such as Elden Ring, they must bring such game-defining features to the The Elder Scrolls 6.

It’s already confirmed that it’s going to be a long while before we get the next Elder Scrolls game. If Bethesda is taking that much time to develop the game, it won’t hurt to take a look back at its previous successes and pinpoint what features and mechanics contributed to their popularity. Let’s hope The Elder Scrolls 6 isn’t a disaster like Starfield!

Gamers Must Learn Lessons From Starfield For The Upcoming Elder Scrolls Game

The Elder Scrolls 6player expectations | Steam

RPGs have a huge list of boxes to tick along the road to becoming a success in the face of the highly competitive environment, and it’s getting extremely difficult to raft a blend of all these components. In the past, we’ve seen Bethesda break these barriers with ease, with titles such as Skyrim and Fallout 4 reaching levels of success that weren’t known to the industry.


However, it’s important for players to keep their expectations in check for the upcoming Elder Scrolls 6. It’s not possible for any game developer to always deliver generational games. We’re bound to see some new titles that will inevitably be perceived as lower quality than previous ones. Bethesda’s Starfield was a clear example of this, with players’ expectations reaching too high for the title to fulfill. 

It’s hard to imagine The Elder Scrolls 6 achieving a more legendary status than Skyrim, given its massive influence still being felt in the current gaming world, and that’s the bar many may feel needs to be crossed to be a success. Players must temper their expectations and enjoy the upcoming Elder Scrolls 6 in its own right without raising their expectations to the hundred.


Written by Dhruv Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 131

Dhruv has been an avid gamer all his life, with an emphasis on multiplayer titles. After switching to PC, he has dabbled in the world of GTA Online ever since its release. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.