“It’s also most likely one of the main reasons no one really plays Gears multiplayer anymore”: Gears of War: E-Day Has to Change 1 Thing About the MP Experience to Ensure it Doesn’t Die Like Gears of War 5

This new title has the opportunity to get the multiplayer right.

gears of war: e-day, gears of war 5


  • Gears of War: E-Day impressed fans, who are eager to try the game.
  • Players hope that this new title will have a more robust multiplayer mode to keep users engaged.
  • The previous entries made significant mistakes that fans hope won't be present in this new game.
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After the reveal of Gears of War: E-Day at the Xbox Games Showcase, many fans have high hopes for the future of the franchise. The spectacular trailer showcased how this title will return to the saga’s origins with the first appearance of the Locust in the game. 


Some users on social media are now hoping for various changes in the multiplayer aspect to revive the game’s popularity and steer clear of the mistakes made in the previous two titles. One of the things that bothered players the most was the new cover system.

The Coalition Has a Unique Opportunity to Bring Players Back to Gears of War: E-Day’s Multiplayer

Gears of War: E-Day fans want changes for the multiplayer of this upcoming game.
Gears of War: E-Day fans want changes for the multiplayer of this upcoming game.

With an astonishing trailer featuring a young Marcus Fenix alongside his well-known friend Dominic Santiago, Gears of War: E-Day promises a return to the origins that the franchise needed. The deadliest Locust will make its debut, and the game will be gorier than ever. The Coalition could have opted for a sixth installment but chose to start anew; instead, there is no information about when they will go back to this game again.


Many players on social media platforms like X have high expectations for this game. However, they were quick to point out the flaws of the previous two games, particularly the multiplayer mode, which many players felt had mechanics that made the gaming experience poor, resulting in low engagement after completing the campaign.

There were almost no real expectations about these new entries in the past.


A New Game, A New Opportunity

The Coalition has a chance to make players go back to the multiplayer of this franchise.
The Coalition has a chance to make players go back to the multiplayer of this franchise.

According to a viral post on X, a user complained about how players in the previous two Gears games could exploit a technique called wall bouncing. In this post, the player could repeatedly take and leave cover in quick succession, appearing to move faster than normal.

This led to many players abandoning the multiplayer mode, resulting in a minimal player base. Fans of the saga hope that this will change in the upcoming game.

Gears of War: E-Day has a unique opportunity to start fresh with its multiplayer mode. Because it is a complete prequel to the franchise, all mechanics and weapons will be entirely different from what we have seen so far.


This game will offer a much darker look at the war between humans and the Locust. These powerful enemies will also be sadistic and won’t hesitate to kill us on sight without giving us a chance to defend ourselves.

Xbox plans to release this game sometime in 2025, marking a significant return of the franchise to the mainstream. Many fans received the game’s first trailer very positively, and it promises to be spectacular.

According to The Coalition, this game will be more explicit than any other title in the saga, which is a big deal since the series has always been explicit with everything from dismemberment to graphic killings.


What are your thoughts on a possible change in multiplayer? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 638

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.