“Jake was almost tearing up with Arnold’s praise”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Bowed Down to Jake Gyllenhaal’s Ripped Body Giving Fans a Moment We Can Never Forget

Arnie keeps singing praise for Jake Gyllenhaal's physical transformation for Southpaw!

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jake Gyllenhaal
Credits: Wikimedia Commons / Naturiss


  • Jake Gyllenhaal's physically ripped physique in Southpaw made the film so iconic.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger can't help but praise Jake Gyllenhaal's chiseled physique.
  • Fans can't believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger is praising Jake Gyllenhaal's physical transformation.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger is a name that needs no introduction in the realm of bodybuilding. The Austrian Oak has elevated to the status of a global fitness icon, especially because of his active effort in raising consciousness for having regular fitness sessions. Moreover, his larger-than-life personality and impressive physique have made him the symbol of hard work and passion.

Jake Gyllenhaal went all out for his transformation in Southpaw
Jake Gyllenhaal as Billy Hope. Credits: The Weinstein Company

As a result, when Jake Gyllenhaal was all over the headlines for his chiseled physique in Southpaw. The fans of the actor were in awe when they saw Gyllenhaal’s godly physique for playing a boxer. However, his dedication to the role and getting physically ripped was so striking that it received Schwarzenegger’s seal of approval, and sang praises for the Road House actor.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Praised Jake Gyllenhaal’s Pumped-Up Physique for Southpaw

Coming from humble beginnings, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a seven-time Mr. Olympia and a five-time Mr. Universe. Despite having such huge achievements under his belt and finding success in several careers, he remained a grounded personality.

Arnold Schwarzenegger praises Jake Gyllenhaal's physique in Southpaw
A still from The Graham Norton Show. Credits: BBC

But what made him so distinct from other personalities is how he always praised others who shared his passion for fitness and hard work to transform their bodies into achieving peak physical condition.

During an episode of The Graham Norton Show, the Terminator actor could not help but glorify Jake Gyllenhaal’s dedication to physically transform himself for the role. He said,

Talking about being in shape. This guy here [Jake Gyllenhaal] got in incredible shape. Did you see his body? His latest movie. And he got ripped.

Later in the show, Arnold Schwarzenegger mentioned that even though he had not seen his film he had seen so many pictures of his fight and transformation.

Arnie can't get enough of Gyllenhaal's physical transformation
A still from Southpaw. Credits: The Weinstein Company

He added,

I-I already told him that. I’ve seen many pictures of the fight scene in orders and I haven’t seen the movie but I saw some trailers but the body was really extraordinary. This transformation, and because it’s literally, you know zero body fat.

The transformation was no easy feat, but getting the God of bodybuilding to sing praises about Gyllenhaal was phenomenal, giving fans a moment to remember.

Fans Soak in The Moment of Arnold Schwarzenegger Praising Jake Gyllenhaal’s Intense Dedication

Jake Gyllenhaal’s dedication to physically transform himself was no easy feat because according to reports from ENews, Gyllenhaal used to work out for six hours per day and trained his boxing maneuvers for another three hours in the morning, followed by three hours of strengthening, conditioning, and cardio at night.

Jake Gyllenhaal had an intense workout routine for Southpaw
A still from Southpaw. Credits: The Weinstein Company

However, that was not all because he used to do 1,000 situps in the morning, followed by another 1,000 situps at night to boost his endurance. Fans loved everyone moment of the praise, as they could not believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger was impressed with the transformation.

In the reel shared by The Graham Norton Show (@thegrahamnortonshowofficial) on Instagram, fans got a moment to remember for their lives. They commented,

@mrtincho88 commented, “If Arnold Schwarzenegger says you’re ripped, then you’re ripped”

@jessbear0176 commented, “I love how Jake was almost tearing up with Arnold’s praise.”

@foreverflyjus commented, “My guy definitely was ripped!!!!”

@val_willmer commented, “For those doubting the 5 months duration, Sylvester Stallone trained 5 months before starting production of each Rocky Movies”

@adamjb74 commented, “Gyllenhall is heavily heavily underated”

Indeed, fans would forever remember this moment because not only was he outstanding in Southpaw giving a gripping performance in the film but on top of that getting praised by Arnie is like a cherry on top of the cake.


Southpaw can be streamed on Netflix.


Written by Tushar Auddy

Articles Published: 990

Tushar Auddy, Content Writer. He has been in the entertainment industry for 3 years and is always on the lookout for a captivating story. He is a student of Linguistics and is currently pursuing his Master's degree in the same field. He has a passion for literature that runs deep and loves nothing more than getting lost in a novel for hours on end. When he isn't reading, you'll find him capturing the beauty of language.