“If the community does both “which they never will”, they’ll get both”: Johan Pilestedt Throws Down the Gauntlet as Helldivers 2 Players Scramble to Unlock the Desperately Needed Anti-Tank Mines

This game is truly challenging its players to achieve the impossible.

Helldivers 2 Anti Tank Missiles


  • Helldivers 2’s Johan Pilestedt is proud of the community for making the right choice.
  • Despite this, Pilestedt is encouraging the community to keep playing and attempt to complete the second Major Order to unlock the anti-tank mine.
  • The director knows it's unlikely that the players will achieve this and is playfully teasing them.
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Helldivers 2 keeps its community highly active by incorporating a very popular mechanic: the Major Order. This mechanic requires players to collectively achieve a global objective to unlock something that can significantly aid them in their missions.


In one of the latest of these global missions, the community had to choose between saving people or unlocking an anti-tank mine. The game’s director, Johan Pilestedt, joked that the players made the right choice by saving the people and is now challenging them to complete the other objective before time runs out.

The Helldivers 2 Community Will Try to Achieve the Impossible

Helldivers 2 community had a race against time to achieve a new Major Order.
The Helldivers 2 community had a race against time to achieve a new Major Order.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Helldivers 2 community is its constant willingness to cooperate to improve the game for all players. In the most recent Major Order, the game required the community to select between liberating two planets—one to save people and the other to unlock an anti-tank mine. Ultimately, the players decided to save the people by making the right choice.


At the time of writing this article, there are only 22 hours left to complete this global mission, and the planet that needs to be liberated to unlock the anti-tank mine is only 1% complete.

Celebrating the players’ choice, the game’s director and public face on social media, Johan Pilestedt, announced he had donated a large sum of money to a charity to honor the community’s decision.

Johan Pilestedt Loves Challenging Players to Achieve Impossible Goals to Keep the Game Active

Johan Pilestedt is taunting the community to make the last effort.
Johan Pilestedt is taunting the community to make the last effort.

Pilestedt’s post on X quickly went viral, with many players asking if they could still receive the anti-tank mines, which are really necessary for future missions. Pilestedt humorously replied that if the players managed to complete the objective, they would receive the reward. He added that he was confident they would not achieve this in less than 22 hours, taunting the players to try it and see if they can succeed.


Players of this popular title, released in February, have previously managed to achieve impossible goals, liberating entire planets in a matter of hours to unlock new content. Considering this track record, if the community sets its mind to it, it could easily achieve this second objective and claim all the desired rewards. However, the studio has likely prepared another reward for the players’ battle efforts.

The Helldivers 2 community most anticipates significant changes to the game. The title has been active for four months, and so far, it has not made any major fundamental changes, according to the players. Fans of this IP are hoping for several new features, such as vehicles or even new robots, to better fight for democracy. This is a gradual process, but the studio is likely aware that it must be completed soon.

How likely is the community to complete this mission? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 629

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.