“I think he is basically rewriting it”: Johan Pilestedt Confirms Helldivers 2 Will Have a Reworked Feature He Admits Isn’t ‘Up to Snuff’

Helldivers 2's Johan Pilestedt confirms the studio is actively working.

helldivers 2


  • Director Johan Pilestedt confirmed that the social menu is not working up to standard.
  • One coder of Arrowhead Game Studios is working on giving the social menu a significant overhaul.
  • Helldivers 2 is plagued with issues and technical problems for the developers to face.
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Helldivers 2 is one of the best live service games out there and the gaming community had a blast in the early days. Unfortunately, Arrowhead Game Studios may have bit more than they could chew for the multiplayer aspect and the players are struggling because of it.


Playing with friends is a priority for the studio, however, the game has been in a terrible state since the latest patch was released. The game director has now confirmed that the team is looking into it. The developers have to patch the game and give the fans the best experience possible.

The Multiplayer Feature of Helldivers 2 Needs to Be Polished

Director Johan Pilestedt is aware of the game's current state.
Director Johan Pilestedt is aware of the game’s current state.

It can be frustrating to be neck-deep into a game and to lose the progress made because of some server issue or system crash. The stability of Helldivers 2 has been in flux ever since the latest update and the gaming community has had enough. One player recently complained about the social menu issues.


The game director, Johan Pilestedt, acknowledged the studio’s shortcomings. He assured the player that one of the coders is deep into reworking the entire social menu.

Arrowhead Game Studios released the game for the PlayStation 5 and the PC platform and enabled cross-play for the players of both systems to play together. It has become a running gag at this point that whenever the developers release a new patch to address some issues, another will take its place.

The new boss of the studio, Shams Jorjani, took notice of the complaints. Jorjani apologized to the players and promised that the stability issue would be the team’s priority and would be addressed as fast as possible. Live service games and bugs are a package deal that can’t be sold separately which is why the players needs to bear with the developers and give them the space to work in peace.


Helldivers 2 Players Need to Have Faith in the Developers

Arrowhead Game Studios needs to find its footing for the sake of Helldivers 2.
Arrowhead Game Studios needs to find its footing for the sake of Helldivers 2.

It can be annoying to play a game when it isn’t in the best condition to host a huge amount of players but that is the reality of things. Arrowhead Game Studios understands how much this game means to players and will not rest until it is in the best shape possible.

Perhaps this coder is working on making the social menu much more accessible and optimizing better to improve the crossplay experience between platforms. Perhaps this revamped social menu will be the key to the game’s long-term survival.

The user interface for the socialization feature is of the utmost importance. Pilestedt had a vision for players around the world to play his game together in harmony and the social menu is a roadblock from his vision being fully realized.


Arrowhead Game Studios wanted to bring players together through the game but the technical issues that are lurking beneath the code is making it tough. Regardless, the developers are resilient and will not let these technical drawbacks stop them.

What are your thoughts about Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 619

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.