“Lords of the Rings vs Star Wars”: Johan Pilestedt Knows More than Just Helldivers 2 as His Total War and Warhammer 40K Raises Some Eyebrows

A surprising revelation from this well-known developer.

helldivers 2, total war, warhammer 40k


  • Johan Pilestedt reveals he is a Warhammer 40K fan.
  • One of the developers of Helldivers 2 speaks with followers and mentions his strong interest in the Total War part.
  • Some players even compared these two aspects to Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.
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After establishing itself as one of the year’s most popular games, Helldivers 2 continues to impress in many ways. One of the reasons for the game’s success beyond its gameplay is the incredible social media management by one of its creators. Johan Pilestedt, one of the most prominent figures behind this title, is also very active on social media, particularly on X. 


Recently, he revealed to his followers that he is a fan of Warhammer 40K, prompting them to ask questions about it and consider delving into this unbelievable universe. Pilestedt disclosed that he is particularly fond of the Total War aspect of this franchise.

One of the Helldivers 2 Developers Expresses His Enthusiasm for Warhammer 40K’s Total War Universe

A match of Total War playing out.
Johan Pilestedt revealed that he is a fan of Warhammer 40K, especially Total War. Image via Warhammer.

The success and popularity of Helldivers 2 are due to one of its key factors. Johan Pilestedt has played an important role in the game’s success. He is very active on social media, and players with this title constantly interact with him, especially on X. This makes the overall feedback much more organic, and the community enjoys this exchange. Pilestedt has proven to be very open and straightforward.


In a recent interaction with his followers, Pilestedt revealed his passion for Total War, a universe that is part of Warhammer 40K. The post primarily focused on Pilestedt’s recommendation of a specific YouTuber who delves into the entire franchise and universe.

Many of his followers asked him questions about this universe and how its different stories work, mentioning the common Warhammer version as well.

Johan Pilestedt Recommends This Franchise to His Followers

Johan Pilestedt in an interview.
One of the main characters responsible for Helldivers 2 is a big fan of Warhammer. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios.

The responses continued, and Pilestedt elaborated further on the differences between 40K and the common version of this universe. He used one analogy, saying that it’s like “The Lord of the Rings” and “Star Wars.” Many followers questioned why one saga is space science fiction while another appears more medieval or ancient in nature. Pilestedt replied that they are two sides of the same coin.


His followers also inquired about his level of excitement for Space Marine 2, to which he responded that he’s eager to play it once it’s available. Pilestedt suggested watching YouTuber Jordan Sorcery to gain a comprehensive understanding of Warhammer in general. It appears this franchise is much more popular than it seems, with numerous followers and fans worldwide.

As for Helldivers 2, the title hasn’t seen major updates in recent weeks, and its most loyal players are clamoring for a real change for the game. For several weeks now, the community has been hoping for the addition of a new enemy to face besides bugs and robots. Nevertheless, the game still boasts a significant number of concurrent players every day, but its player base wants more, a big change.

What are your thoughts on Pilestedt’s words? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 678

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.