“More player freedom, less restrictions”: Elder Scrolls Online Has a Critical Feature That Makes it Better Than Skyrim, Even Todd Howard Won’t Argue With it

It's time for Todd Howard to bring a feature like this to The Elder Scrolls 6!

elder scrolls online, skyrim


  • Elder Scrolls Online is one of the most popular MMORPGs.
  • The game features multiple exciting systems, such as the Justice System.
  • The Justice System adds a layer of realism to the game and allows for more player freedom.
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The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) was released back in 2014. While much of the community appreciated what ZeniMax Online Studios was doing with the Elder Scrolls franchise in an MMORPG setting, others missed the gravitas of the single-player adventures we saw in Skyrim.


Despite its issues, the game has been received well and has continued to grow over the years, with tons of exciting DLCs under its belt. Although it’s yet to reach the milestones of Skyrim, Elder Scroll Online has one feature that makes it better than anything we’ve seen so far in the series.

Elder Scrolls Online Has One Feature Which Even Skyrim Lacks

Justice system in Elder Scrolls Online | Steam

Over the years, we’ve seen Bethesda adding tons of game-defining features and mechanics to Elder Scrolls Online, but none of them can compete with the game’s Justice System. It’s a feature that allows players to engage in various criminal factories and face the consequences of their crimes! It plays the role of simulating a realistic legal environment within Elder Scroll Online‘s game world.


In an interview, ESO’s game director, Matt Firor, opened up about Elder Scrolls Online‘s longevity and success. He touched upon the various features and mechanics added over the years that have allowed the game to remain fresh, and one of these is the Justice System. By developing such mechanics and features, Firor and his team wanted even more player freedom in the immersive world of Elder Scrolls Online.

When [The Elder Scrolls V:] Skyrim launched, it kind of changed everything about what Elder Scrolls is, the perception of it. And so that’s when we started to make the change towards making it – and of course we use the term ‘more Elder Scrolls’ – what that really meant was more player freedom, less restrictions. Skyrim being the best example of a single-player, virtual world game you can probably have, right? And we wanted that feeling.

It’s clear that features such as the Justice System in Elder Scrolls Online bring an additional layer of realism and complexity. This gives players the freedom to explore the game’s dark side while also dealing with the consequences of their actions. It’s time for Todd Howard and his team to bring something like this to the upcoming The Elder Scrolls 6!

The Elder Scrolls Online Celebrates 10th Anniversary With A Major Discount

Elder Scrolls Online’s 10th Anniversary celebrations | Steam

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been ten years since the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online, and Bethesda is celebrating the occasion by offering the chance for players to dive in with an ESO Plus Trial for absolutely free for a limited time!


It’s true that Bethesda’s decision to release an MMO did cause a lot of raised eyebrows, considering the fact that they’re best known for their epic-single player offerings such as Fallout and Skyrim. However, ESO has survived through it all and still brings 25,000 daily players, according to SteamDB.

So, if you’ve been considering whether it’s worth diving in and trying out ESO’s perfectly crafted game mechanics and features, now is your chance. Even the latest DLC, The Golden Road, is included in this free trial!


Written by Dhruv Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 105

Dhruv has been an avid gamer all his life, with an emphasis on multiplayer titles. After switching to PC, he has dabbled in the world of GTA Online ever since its release. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.