“My team and I have pitched a show with…”: Jaimie Alexander’s Lady Sif Show is Doing God’s Work by Planning to Bring in a Marvel Superhero Taika Waititi Only Teased in Thor: Ragnarok

Jaimie Alexander may be the key to getting Beta Ray Bill into the MCU.

jaimie alexander’s lady sif, thor: ragnarok


  • Recently, Jaimie Alexander made an appearance, where she talked about her future as Lady Sif.
  • Interestingly enough, she seemed to be looking into a Disney+ series for herself.
  • Additionally, she wants to fight side by side with Beta Ray Bill.
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Jaimie Alexander has been a treasured part of the MCU for years now. Although her role is quite small compared to other characters, she has played the recurring role of Lady Sif, having more recently appeared in Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder. Although fans love her performance as the character and her personality is certainly iconic, she may be working towards something fans have been wanting for years.

jaimie alexander in thor 2
Jaimie Alexander in a still from Thor I Marvel Studios

During a recent appearance, the actress revealed that she is trying to get a Disney+ series in motion for her character. While many may be confused as to where such a series would go, she dropped a name that makes her vision a lot clearer.

Jaimie Alexander Has A Vision

Recently, Jaimie Alexander made an appearance at the Superhero ComicCon (via Agents of Fandom), where she went detailed her future as Lady Sif in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While her character does not appear for long in her appearances, the actress revealed that she absolutely loves playing the role, and even stated that she wants to play Sif for as long as she can.

jaimie alexander in thor
Jaimie Alexander in a still from Chris Hemsworth’s Thor I Marvel Studios

Along the same lines, she mentioned how she was interested in starring in a Disney+ series centered around her character. Elaborating on it, she stated that she and her team have been trying to find the perfect storyline that could make this happen, and they stumbled upon the one character Thor fans have been wanting for years.

This is something my team and I have explored a little bit, my team and I have pitched a show with Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill.

Beta Ray Bill - Thor Love & Thunder
Beta Ray Bill I Marvel Comics

The actress revealed that she was interested in working on a series that features Lady Sif and the beloved comic book character, Beta Ray Bill.

Beta Ray Bill and Thor—The Bromance of the Century

It is safe to say that Beta Ray Bill is one of the most anticipated characters in the MCU. Fans have been waiting for his appearance ever since Thor first showed up and even labeled him as Chris Hemsworth’s replacement if he ever steps away from the mantle. While the character did make it into Thor: Ragnarok in the form of an easter egg, he has yet to make an official appearance.

Beta Ray Bill is expected to appear in the MCU in Thor 5
Beta Ray Bill and Thor I Marvel Comics

Despite this, he is one of the most loved characters in the comics as a whole, even though he possesses the same abilities that Thor has. Not only is he able to lift Mjolnir, but he also looks cool doing it. During one of his first meetings with Thor, he actually beat up the God of Thunder with his own hammer.

After this interaction, he and Thor become one of the most iconic duos in the comics, and the Asgardian even had Stormbreaker made for him originally. Knowing just how iconic he is, it is not surprising that fans would want him to enter the MCU in some way or another. If Jaimie Alexander’s efforts work, there is no denying that fans will be ecstatic.

Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder are available for streaming on Disney+.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1251

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.