“My world would never exist had he not come first”: George R. R. Martin Was Humble Enough to Credit The Lord of the Rings Creator For Game of Thrones’ Success

George R. R. Martin credits J.R.R. Tolkien for paving the way to Game of Thrones' success.

Night King Game of Thrones and Sauron Lord of the Rings


  • In the vast and intricate world of fantasy literature, only a few names resonate as profoundly as George R. R. Martin and J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • Talking about the influences on his work, Martin has also shared that authors, who have significantly inspired his work, also includes J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • Although he admires the late author's work, Martin has not hesitated to share his critiques regarding several aspects of Tolkien's work.
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In the vast and intricate world of fantasy literature, only a few names resonate as profoundly as George R. R. Martin and J.R.R. Tolkien. Martin’s successful work on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire, which inspired the hit TV series Game of Thrones, has taken inspiration from numerous popular fantasy works, one of which also includes Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.

George R.R. Martin
George R.R. Martin | Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons

However, as much as he admires his work and admits that Tolkien has significantly influenced his work, Martin has also not refrained from openly sharing his criticism. However, despite his mixed feelings towards the author and his work, Martin has been humble enough to credit Tolkien for paving the way for the success of his own series.

George R. R. Martin Credited J.R.R. Tolkien For Paving the Way For Fantasy Authors

In a conversation with Time Magazine, George R. R. Martin opened up about the historical influences on his work, noting that it is something that has been prevalent among science fiction and fantasy writers, with an ongoing exchange of ideas, themes, and approaches.

George R.R. Martin
Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin | Image Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons

I had read a lot of history, a lot of historical fiction, a lot of fantasy. There’s a certain dialogue that goes on between generations of writers, particularly science fiction and fantasy writers, because we’re part of this subculture.

Talking about the influences on his work, he also shared that one author, who has significantly inspired his work, also includes J.R.R. Tolkien. Acknowledging Tolkien as the “father of all modern fantasy,” he admitted that the Westeros saga might have never existed without The Lord of the Rings.

People are always trying to set up this me-vs.-Tolkien thing, which I find very frustrating because I worship Tolkien, he’s the father of all modern fantasy, and my world would never exist had he not come first!

J.R.R. Tolkien
J.R.R. Tolkien | Credit: Bodleian Library via Wikimedia Commons

Despite his occasional critiques of Tolkien’s work, he still admitted, “There is that dialogue that’s going on between me and Tolkien and between me and some of the other people who follow Tolkien, and it’s a dialogue that’s continuing.”

Although he admires the late author’s work, Martin has not hesitated to share his critiques, admitting that he would have taken a different approach in certain aspects.


George R.R. Martin’s Complex Relationship with J.R.R. Tolkien

George R.R. Martin has frequently expressed both admiration and criticism for J.R.R. Tolkien’s work. While he acknowledges Tolkien’s immense influence and greatness, Martin doesn’t shy away from pointing out areas where he would have taken a different approach.

Game of Thrones remains on eof th most celbrated TV shows ever | HBO
Game of Thrones | Credit: HBO

In his conversation with Time Magazine, he shared,

I read fantasy books by other writers, particularly Tolkien and some of the other people who followed Tolkien, there’s always this desire in the back of my head to reply to them: “That’s good, but I’d do this part differently,” or, “No, I think you got that wrong.”

He has particularly questioned the practical aspects of certain elements, such as power dynamics and character connections, within Tolkien’s narratives. He also noted several “plot holes” in The Lord of the Rings, despite considering it one of the greatest books of the 20th century.


“I re-read it every few years,” he said before adding, “It’s one of the great books of the 20th century. But that doesn’t mean that I think it’s perfect.” Martin’s critique extends to what he sees as Tolkien’s emphasis on mythological aspects over addressing real-world issues within his stories.

The Lord of the Rings |
The Lord of the Rings | Credit: IMDb

While his stand on J.R.R. Tolkien has been mixed and represents a complex relationship between him and the work that inspired him significantly, it also underscores the complexity of literary influence and the evolution of the fantasy genre.

Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Rings are available to stream on Max.


Written by Laxmi Rajput

Articles Published: 2347

Laxmi Rajput is a writer at Fandomwire. She finished her Post Graduation in Broadcast Journalism and worked as a Business News writer for a year. But her interest in entertainment and pop culture compelled her to find a way towards Entertainment Journalism. She has worked across various fields and has 2 years of experience in content writing. She likes reading, music, movies, and traveling. She aspires to become a fiction writer in the future.