New Helldivers 2 Battle Tank Stratagem Idea is the Need of the Hour to Liberate Wasat

A Lot of Major Orders Like The Current One Would Love This Stratagem

Helldivers 2


  • Major Orders play a significant role in Helldivers 2, serving as time-sensitive community goals set by the developers.
  • A player on r/helldivers2 shared some concepts for new stratagems that players think is pretty cool.
  • The MBT-24 Brasch is a concept tank that would be useful in so many Major Orders.
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Helldivers 2 has achieved something that most games don’t ever achieve. And that is the fact that the Helldivers 2 community is one of the most supportive and vocal to exist. Fans constantly share ideas and theories over on the r/helldivers2 subreddit.


And one recent post shared the concept for a stratagem that would be a battle tank titled The MBT-24 Brasch. The user who proposed this idea talks about it being a fast, moderately armored vehicle armed with a 105mm cannon and a turret-mounted Heavy Machine Gun (HMG).

The Concept of a Modern Battle Tank as a Stratagem in Helldivers 2

The Concept of a Modern Battle Tank as a Stratagem in Helldivers 2
This Fan Concept Would Be Helpful in Major Orders Like The Current One. | Arrowhead

According to u/IronArmor48 The MBT-24 Brasch allows one Helldiver to drive and control the unmanned turret, while another mans the HMG atop. According to the fan concept the MBT-24 is:


A two-manned, moderately armored and fast Main Battle Tank dedicated to the Helldiver Corps. Armed with a heavy penetrating 105mm cannon and a turret-mounted HMG. A Helldiver can enter the hull to drive and control and fire the unmanned turret. A second Helldiver may sit above the turret to man the HMG.

Other users in the comments suggested different modifications such as adding a railgun gun pod or incorporating submunitions into its arsenal. These could diversify the tank’s combat capabilities, allowing it to engage a wider range of targets.

Strategem Ideas (Put a lot of work into this, what do y’all think?)
byu/IronArmor48 inhelldivers2

The idea of teamwork and player coordination with the MBT-24 is the main thing being talked about by players. There are some players who think the two-man setup of the MBT-24 is just a waste of manpower.


But other commenters thought the idea of the tank needing teamwork was something that could be fun with friends. Some even suggested a three-man setup where two players would man the guns while the third person drives.

Major operations such as the ongoing liberation of Wasat could really use the inclusion of such a tank. This Major Order requires players to unite in a coordinated effort to push through hostile systems. In times like this, a stratagem like the MBT-24 Brasch could be the game-changer that tips the scales in the favor of players with its firepower and versatility.

This Fan Concept Would Be Helpful in Major Orders Like The Current One

This Fan Concept would be so helpful in Major Orders. | via u/Warrior24110 on Reddit

In Helldivers 2, there are community-driven challenges called Major Orders. These Major Orders have a strong influence on the galactic war’s progression. The difficulty of the tasks varies. Some examples include liberating planets and securing critical intel.


A common theme between tasks is that they require a collective effort from the player base. If you want to advance the main storyline whilst gaining valuable in-game rewards (such as Medals and Requisition Slips), be sure to complete Major Orders.

The current Major Order in Helldivers 2 is Operation Valiant Resistance, with the objective: Liberate the designated planet – WASAT. This mission entails seizing control of a heavily protected data center, nicknamed Database One.

This Fan Concept Would Be Helpful in Major Orders Like The Current One
The Concept of a Modern Battle Tank as a Stratagem in Helldivers 2. | Arrowhead

This operation requires strong firepower and solid protection in order to breach the enemy’s defense to obtain vital intelligence. Thus, players believe that the introduction of the fan-proposed MBT-24 Brasch could be imperative to this operation’s success.


While it may never be anything more than a fan concept, the MBT-24 Brasch battle tank would have a major effect on player strategy, and of course it would also make the community happy. Its firepower, versatility, and team-oriented operations are all excellent fits for the requirements of Major Orders.

Meanwhile, Major Orders continue to drive the narrative of the Second Galactic War in Helldivers 2, with players working together to achieve common goals and shape the outcome of the conflict.


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 84

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.