“I’m not going to be Niantic’s little lap dog”: Pokemon Go’s Elite Raids Now Branded a ‘Crooked Scheme’ as Major Changes Needed

Can Niantic rescue Pokémon Go's epic battles?

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  • Elite Raids' rigid timings and locations frustrate many players.
  • Extending raid times to 12 hours and limiting one attempt per location could improve fairness.
  • Better community engagement and higher-quality content are crucial to regaining player trust.
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Pokémon Go’s Elite Raids were supposed to be the best of challenges in the Pokéworld. Instead, they’ve become a source of frustration and disillusionment for players against Niantic.


However, gamers haven’t been too fond of the events recently. As players grapple with rigid timings and accessibility issues, their patience is running thin.

Can Niantic turn this around?


The Main Frustration: Timing and Accessibility

Pokemon GO fans are thoroughly disenchanted with Niantic/
Pokemon GO fans are thoroughly disenchanted with Niantic. | Image Credit: Niantic

The primary issue with Elite Raids is their timing. Players are required to participate at very specific times, which often leads to stress and inconvenience. Players over Reddit have commented that it makes them sad that elite raids are so specific and niche to their times. This rigid timing excludes many who can’t adjust their schedules to fit these narrow windows.

Moreover, the raids are localized, forcing players to travel long distances. For rural players, this becomes almost impossible. They feel left out, as participating often requires a road trip, which isn’t practical for everyone. This exclusionary approach is a significant point of contention within the community. One player’s Mega Rayquaza catch in an Elite Raid has evoked the ‘jealousy’ of the Pokémon Go community.

Players have not just voiced their grievances but also offered constructive suggestions. One idea is to extend the raid spawn times to 12 hours. This would allow more players to participate throughout the day, reducing the pressure and making the experience more enjoyable.


I chose to sit out the raids, I’m not going to be Niantic’s little lap dog
byu/FAmos inpokemongo

Another popular suggestion is to limit players to one attempt per raid location. This would prevent the monopolization of raid wins and ensure fairness. Players who haven’t won or caught the Pokémon from a raid can still battle it, promoting inclusivity and giving everyone a fair chance.

Niantic faces a challenge: how to address these concerns and improve the Elite Raid experience. The game’s decline in popularity adds urgency to the situation. Players expect high-quality content, similar to the annual GoFest events, which have set a high standard. Recent events in Pokémon Go have not lived up to these expectations, leading to increased frustration.


Improving communication is also crucial. Players need clear and timely information about raid times and mechanics. This can prevent misunderstandings and help players plan better. Inclusivity should be a priority, ensuring that all players, regardless of their location, can participate meaningfully.

Niantic Should Engage With The Pokémon Go Community

Niantic faces an uphill battle to counter growing player discontent.
Niantic faces an uphill battle to counter growing player discontent. | Image Credit: Niantic

Niantic has a history of responding to player feedback, and this situation should be no different. By extending raid durations and ensuring fairness, they can rebuild trust and enhance the player experience. Addressing the community’s concerns can lead to a more engaging and inclusive game.

What do you think about the current state of Elite Raids? Do you think Niantic will take steps to alleviate player struggles?


Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 165

I travel. I game. I write. In no strict order.

The single biggest lie told all around is, "It isn't that simple." It is simple, everything is. And that is what I emulate in my writing. No unnecessary jargons and no flamboyant flourish. Just what's needed to get your imagination going. After all mind has no limit, unlike the written word.