Nintendo’s Metroid Prime 4 Switch Announcement was So Intense One Fan Couldn’t Handle It

One Nintendo fan could not handle the Metroid Prime 4 reveal during the last Nintendo Direct.

nintendo's metroid prime 4


  • The latest Nintendo Direct finally featured the highly-anticipated Metroid Prime 4: Beyond.
  • One fan fainted during the reveal trailer for the latest Metroid title and it is wholesome.
  • Metroid Prime 4: Beyond will be released next year on the Nintendo Switch.
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Metroid Prime 4 was announced many years ago and the gaming community finally caught their first glimpse of the upcoming game and when they can play it. The beauty of each Nintendo Direct is that the fans are always left with something to look forward to along with some answers.


Some fans have put a lot of stock in video games which could lead to some funny and wholesome reactions but there is one fan who could not handle the hype and fainted before the trailer even finished. It is a testament to how much these games mean to the community and their impact.

The Metroid Prime 4 Reveal Was Too Much to Handle

Metroid Prime 4 was the highlight of the latest Direct.
Metroid Prime 4 was the highlight of the latest Direct.

The gaming community has been nagging the company about its next-generation console and the president of Nintendo had to step in and clarify that these Directs will not share anything about it, and the reveal of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond could shift the focus away and give the engineers enough time to work on it without any more pressure.


Perhaps the distraction worked a little too well since one fan could not handle it and passed out on the floor before while the trailer was ongoing. The end of the teaser hinted at a 2025 release window but did not indicate which month nor if it will be only available on the current Nintendo Switch models, perhaps this upcoming game will be a cross-generation title similar to Pokémon Legends: Z-A like fans anticipated.

The reaction could have been quite an exaggeration or the person was dehydrated from all the heat compounding and the tight spaces but it could also be a genuine reaction for something he was genuinely excited about for years. Gaming means so much to people that it makes a man faint on the floor in front of a lot of people.

Switch Players Are Being Spoiled With New Games and Content

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond could be one of the biggest games next year.
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond could be one of the biggest games next year.

The gaming community is now ready to move on from the Switch but new games coming out that run on the console are making it hard for the company to move away from it. Perhaps the upcoming Metroid game will be one of the last major releases for the console and will mark the transition from the current generation to the next one.


The franchise stood well against the test of time and despite being delayed countless times, there are still those who are optimistic about it seeing the light of day. The patience of the gaming community will be worth it and they will be rewarded.

The wait was long which is probably why fans like the man who fainted savored every second but his emotions got the best of him which made him faint in an unceremonious manner. Everyone else around him were jolly and knew the man was playing it off cool as he got up from the ground.

Video games can have a major impact on players and his genuine reaction is not something to laugh or gossip about. Let the man express his passion the way he sees fit.


Are you excited for Metroid Prime 4: Beyond? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 592

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.