“No confirmation for Indy is a bit suspect”: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Suspected to be Delayed as Glaring Admission Can’t Be Ignored Anymore

That Q4 2024 release window for Indian Jones and the Great Circle may be pushed!

indiana jones and the great circle


  • Indiana Jones and the Great Circle received a new cinematic trailer during the Xbox Showcase 2024.
  • MachineGames proposed a Q4 2024 release window for the game.
  • Unfortunately, the title is not mentioned among the Xbox games appearing on the company's Gamescom panel.
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When people first heard of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, fans of the intrepid explorer were sold right from the word go. Not only is it a big deal for fans of the movies, but even gamers who enjoy the likes of Uncharted and Tomb Raider would be awaiting the release of this title.


Developed by MachineGames, now owned by Microsoft, the game is going to be an Xbox exclusive and likely look to rival the Uncharted fan base on PlayStation. The title got a shiny cinematic trailer a few days ago at the platform’s Showcase, but the radio silence since is worrying fans.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Absent from the Upcoming Gamescom Panel

People are searching for any information on Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
People are searching for any information on Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

The more a game is shown off at exhibitions and panels, the more likely it is that fans will see a release date that isn’t half a decade away. That’s why the recent reveal of Xbox games to be shown at Gamescom 2024 is causing people to worry.


Klobrille has revealed all the games that will be showcased. On the list are some heavy hitters such as Diablo Immortal, The Elder Scrolls Online, and Fallout 76. Klobrille also states that more is to be revealed, so platform users have some surprises in store.

However, many have pointed out in the replies, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a no-show. Now, it could be part of the “More to be announced” section, but such a big IP should have a confirmed appearance at the event.

The game, which looks to be a combination of several fan-favorite titles such as Dishonored, is one of the most requested games from the community, so fans are undoubtedly disappointed.


Many are also worried that the game’s absence means a delay in its release is imminent.

However, not everyone is dejected by the fact that it may be delayed.

Fans may start to expect the game will ultimately be released next year, but Xbox needs to release some information to ensure fan theorizing doesn’t turn against them.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to Place Players in the Shoes of the Explorer

The game will offer a new perspective on an Indi adventure!
The game will offer a new perspective on an Indi adventure!

The game is taking an interesting approach to the genre. Where Uncharted and Tomb Raider were third-person, MachineGames has decided to go the first-person route. The developers are also taking cues from the movies to tap into nostalgia, as they have worked in humor reminiscent of the feature films into the game.

However, the company may have taken immersion a bit too far. In a recent event, the delivery of an Xbox controller contained within it a live snake! While Indiana Jones fans are no strangers to adventure, coming this close to a potentially dangerous creature may be a bit more than they bargained for.

MachineGames has set a release window for the last quarter of 2024, but that may be a bit too ambitious for such a project. The lack of information after the release of the cinematic trailer has many fans believing the game is due to an inevitable delay.


Do you believe the game may be delayed? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 321

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.