Perfect Dark is a Broken Mess on Nintendo Switch Online, and We Hope the Next-Gen Release Doesn’t Follow Suit

A perfect mess of the N64 original.

Perfect Dark and Nintendo Switch


  • The original Perfect Dark is full of gameplay problems on Nintendo Switch Online.
  • Fortunately, a remaster of the game is in the works.
  • The remastered game can inspire another title for Switch users to enjoy.
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When Perfect Dark released all the way back in 2000, players considered it to be one of the most enjoyable games to come out on the N64. Unfortunately, its emulation on Nintendo Switch Online does not live up to those standards.


Based on a review done by a Switch user, the game has several problems. Everything from sound volume to dizzying frames makes the game feel like a painful experience rather than a fun one.

Perfect Dark’s Release on Nintendo Switch Online Needs a Re-Do

The original Perfect Dark deserves a better emulation.
The original Perfect Dark deserves a better emulation.

When user Graslu00 shared their experience with the N64’s game being emulated on Nintendo Switch Online, the community grew concerned with the results. Even though many expected Perfect Dark to run just like it was released on the N64, the emulated version doesn’t hold up.


The game’s volume seems to struggle, and so do the frames. When moving the character around, the screen turns into a blurry and hazy mess, and frames drop to an extent that makes the game unplayable. Unfiltered light effects often appear too shiny, and other effects (like fire/bullet smoke) also don’t feel in place.

This is being tested on Nintendo Switch Online, which is known for having a collection of older games by Nintendo. For fans of the original game, this may be a little heartbreaking, but we can still hope for the best from the upcoming remaster.

Perfect Dark’s Remaster Will Help Fans Feel Better

The upcoming game will build on everything that made the original so exciting.
The upcoming game will build on everything that made the original so exciting.

Being developed by Crystal Dynamics (makers of Tomb Raider), Perfect Dark’s remaster looks to be a promising retelling of everything that made the original game so fun. Close-quarter combat, nifty gunplay, and smooth framerates are all to be expected here.


However, the game will only arrive on Xbox consoles and PCs. So, Nintendo Switch users may have to skip this one. Nevertheless, a promising remaster of an old game is good news for gamers worldwide, and the game’s showcase during the Xbox Showcase this year has fans excited.

Perfect Dark - Gameplay Reveal - Xbox Games Showcase 2024

A “remake” would be a better term for this once, since newcomers to the series may just call it a fresh title rather than another entry in the franchise. Since this title is being developed by the talented minds behind the Tomb Raider games, there’s a good chance that the title will be free from bugs and related quality issues.

Despite its exclusivity to Xbox, the game’s arrival will set in stone a promise for the franchise’s importance. The more fans dive into this experience, the more it’s likely that Nintendo too will see the game’s revival on the Switch (or Switch’s successor).


What are your thoughts on the game’s failed emulation on Nintendo Switch Online? Do you think the remaster of the title will inspire a sequel or a revival on Nintendo platforms? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 528

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.