“Shout out to the PlayStation bros”: After Helldivers 2 Failure Xbox Fans Begin Petition for Another Title They’re Missing Out On, and It’s Just Hit a Major Milestone

Fans of this saga want to see the game on Microsoft's platform.

helldivers 2-xbox


  • Fans of Marvel vs Capcom definitely want the new collection coming to Xbox.
  • Many players have created a petition to make this highly anticipated collection also available on Microsoft's console.
  • The petition organizers have even asked PlayStation users to help make this possible.
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While the latest Nintendo Direct may not have quite matched up to June’s Xbox Showcase, it did contain various third-party announcements of games coming to the company’s hybrid console, and there was one that many fans applauded. The Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection was announced, and this arcade anthology will bring the best of these kinds of games from the 1990s. 


After the Nintendo event ended, it was confirmed that the game would be released for other platforms, but Xbox was left out. Now, fans are asking PlayStation users to help with a petition to bring this title to Microsoft’s console.

Xbox Fans Want the New Marvel vs Capcom Collection to Come To Their Console

Xbox players are asking the PlayStation users to bring the new Marvel vs Capcom to their console.
Xbox players are asking the PlayStation users to bring the new Marvel vs Capcom to their console.

This arcade collection of Marvel vs Capcom franchise games will include several classic titles featuring these popular characters. Among the games that will be part of this arcade collection are X-Men: Children of the Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, and more. This title surprised fans, as it will add a few new things like improved combo training and the ability to play online with friends. Unfortunately, there is one platform that was left out of its release.


Xbox players were deeply disappointed when the first trailer for this arcade collection revealed that it would not be available on their console. But fans didn’t give up and created a petition on the popular site change.org, asking Capcom to please release this title on Microsoft’s platforms.

Keep in mind that Capcom is also planning to release the game on PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch, so it may be possible to release it on one more platform.

Microsoft Console Owners Ask Playstation Fans to Help With This Petition

This new collection of games still has no release date.
This new collection of games still has no release date.

This initiative quickly went viral on social media, and many players are asking everyone to join this cause. Even on platforms like X, several Xbox players and owners are asking PlayStation users to help with this petition so that the game can come to Microsoft’s platform. Similarly, the studio responsible for this collection has not provided any explanation for the exclusion of this platform from the release.


The petition may help bring this collection to Xbox; many players began signing it to see if they could get the studio to release the game on the desired platform. This game is unique in that it will only be available on the PS4, not on any current-generation console. This is another factor that could potentially explain the game’s exclusive release on the PS4. The trailer received a very positive reaction from players and fans of this franchise, which has been around for over 20 years.

Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics is the title itself, and it includes seven games in total. The selected titles are: X-Men: Children of the Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and The Punisher. For now, this collection does not have a confirmed release date but will apparently arrive sometime this year.

What are your thoughts on this petition? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 659

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.