“Those cops are absolutely bonkers”: Red Dead Redemption 2 Keeps Surprising Players with Rare Interaction Most Haven’t Seen

One really has to wonder how deep Rockstar's attention to detail truly goes with Red Dead Redemption 2.

red dead redemption 2


  • Despite being a nearly 6 year old title, people continue to find new things in Red Dead Redemption 2.
  • As recently discovered by a Redditor, a few cops in the game's Saint Denis area will run towards you with a knife when disarmed.
  • It is small details such as these that has made Red Dead Redemption 2 such a timeless classic within the gaming community.
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Red Dead Redemption 2 is a gift that keeps on giving. Since its release in 2018, the game has remained unmatched in its portrayal of the Wild West—the era’s twilight years, that is.


However, what’s truly surprising about the game is how much effort and attention to detail Rockstar placed even on the most minute aspects, to the point that people continue to uncover them. One of the better and rare examples of gameplay interactions has surfaced, thanks to one Redditor’s shenanigans in Saint Denis.

Red Dead Redemption 2’s Cops Will Run at You for a Stab After You Disarm Them

Still from Red Dead Redemption 2, featuring an in-game fight.
Red Dead Redemption 2’s cops and mechanics continue to wow fans of the game – Image credit: Rockstar Games

Recently, when Rockstar opened up to its fans about the development of Red Dead Redemption 2, it was easy to tell just how much love and care they’d poured into the game. It’s a clear case of quality over quantity taken to the maximum, to the point where the quantity itself can no longer be questioned.


As previously stated, Redditor Kindly_Budget_6462 discovered a brilliant example of the same while messing around with the game’s cheats:

As one would expect, the rest of the Red Dead Redemption 2‘s community found this a rather funny gameplay interaction from Rockstar’s end, but at the same time, it only furthered their reverence for the game.

Admittedly, it is quite hilarious how the lawmen in Saint-Denis make this one last effort for an arrest by making a mad dash at you for a stab.


After all, if some gunslinger out there quickly disarms you, doing this would be the least expected yet realistic method of taking them down with yourself.

Why Do Only the Cops in Saint Denis Fight Like This in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Still of Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2.
For all that Rockstar did with Red Dead Redemption 2, one can only imagine what’s to come with GTA 6 – Image Credit: Rockstar Games.

As others within the thread pointed out, from a narrative perspective, the cops in Saint Denis are supposed to be an untrained force that has simply been handed a uniform and weapons with a lot of flexibility in bending the law, which is why their manner of fighting is similar to that of some regular old ruffians.

It’s yet another attention to detail that one wouldn’t expect to see in any other open-world title than Rockstar’s, and such interactions are the exact reason why the expectations for GTA 6 are through the roof right now.


Considering how that game will most likely be Rockstar’s only title this decade, we may see them surpass everything they previously did with Red Dead Redemption 2. If that is indeed the case, we will surely be in for one of the best gaming experiences of all time.

However, until that game comes out, people will continue to stick by Red Dead Redemption, and who knows, we may yet uncover a few more tricks and secrets left up the game’s sleeves.

With that said, what are your thoughts on that latest discovery? Did you know that the cops in Saint Denis could do this? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 72

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.