To Unleash Our Inner Astartes: Space Marine 2 Multiplayer Needs Titanfall’s Scale for the Ultimate Power Fantasy

Will Space Marines do justice to it's Multiplayer modes?

space marine 2-titanfall


  • There has been a lot of anticipation surrounding Space Marine 2's release on September 9, 2024. Especially concerning it's multiplayer PvP modes.
  • Players are drawing comparisons between Titanfall and Space Marines 2, given the similarities in the gameplay between them.
  • What sets the 40K universe apart from any other war game is its ability to act as a power fantasy and give a fresh and satisfying outlook toward fighting with a combination of many cool weapons and armor.
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Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 is set to release on September 9th, 2024 and it looks to be bringing a lot of promise, especially in its multiplayer PvP modes. As of now, Space Marine 2 will have 3 modes: Annihilation (team deathmatch), Seize Ground (control points around the map), and Capture and Control (capture the flag).


Although it also has a co-op option for single-player, what will set the game apart and increase its replayability is how well the multiplayer performs, and to achieve that, it should look at Titanfall for direction on how to make fans’ power fantasy’ come true.

Space Marine 2 is Set to be a Power Fantasy

Warhammer 40K: Space Marines 2 is releasing on September 9, 2024
Space Marine 2 | Saber Interactive

Anyone who has played Space Marine 1 knows how much power the Space Marines are packed within the game. The game offers various weapons, including ranged and melee options, for you to choose from. Space Marine 1 did a very nice job of welcoming newcomers to the Warhammer 40K universe, as it managed to balance out the gameplay and story design for both veterans as well as newcomers.


However, following the anticipation of the game’s release, fans are urging the developers at Saber Interactive to look at Titanfall’s multiplayer modes to make the game better and help make people’s power fantasy come true.

I would love to see a PvP like Attrition from Titanfall
byu/ResidentDrama9739 inSpacemarine

Players are drawing comparisons between Titanfall and Space Marine 2, due to their similar gameplay design.


Another user shed some light on the modes that are currently coming with the game; he mentioned 3 modes that will be incorporated in the multiplayer: Annihilation (team deathmatch), Seize Ground (control points around the map), and Capture and Control (capture the flag).

Space Marine 2 needs to look at Titanfall to make the game's multiplayer better
You play as Titus, a lieutenant of the Ultramarines chapter and returning protagonist from the first game | Space Marine 2 | Saber Interactive

Some people have argued against the idea of adding bot Space Marines to the multiplayer experience, as they will most likely take away the power fantasy aspect of the game and give the players the expectation that they are not useful for anything other than slow marching bullet catchers.

Agreeing with the same opinion, one user added:


byu/ResidentDrama9739 from discussion

There is hope for multiple updates for multiplayer to come in the future of the game, as the multiplayer mode will be the one that will increase the lifespan of the game. A person can only play in story mode for a limited amount of time, but the multiplayer experience is what makes a game long-lasting and fresh.

History of Warhammer 40K Universe

Space Marie 2 reveal trailer
Space Marine 2 | Warhammer YT

The lore of Warhammer 40K is set in an intergalactic society where you play as a powerful corpse of marines known as Space Marines, who are tasked with saving planets from evil influences and alien monsters. Space Marines are the strongest force against evil in the universe, and the gameplay does very well to do justice to that.


What sets the 40K universe apart from any other war game is its ability to act as a power fantasy and give a fresh and satisfying outlook toward fighting with a combination of many cool weapons and armor. Its unique worldbuilding and short narrative structure allow players to focus on fighting and tearing enemies apart, which is portrayed in some of the most satisfying ways possible.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 is hitting the market on September 9, 2024, and Warhammer 40K Universe fans are in for a treat. The new game brings a lot of promise, and as revealed by its trailer, the power fantasy seems to be coming true after all.


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 58

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.